import arraySlice from "../Core/arraySlice.js";
import Cartesian3 from "../Core/Cartesian3.js";
import Color from "../Core/Color.js";
import ComponentDatatype from "../Core/ComponentDatatype.js";
import defaultValue from "../Core/defaultValue.js";
import defined from "../Core/defined.js";
import destroyObject from "../Core/destroyObject.js";
import Ellipsoid from "../Core/Ellipsoid.js";
import FeatureDetection from "../Core/FeatureDetection.js";
import IndexDatatype from "../Core/IndexDatatype.js";
import Matrix4 from "../Core/Matrix4.js";
import Rectangle from "../Core/Rectangle.js";
import TaskProcessor from "../Core/TaskProcessor.js";
import Buffer from "../Renderer/Buffer.js";
import BufferUsage from "../Renderer/BufferUsage.js";
import DrawCommand from "../Renderer/DrawCommand.js";
import Pass from "../Renderer/Pass.js";
import RenderState from "../Renderer/RenderState.js";
import ShaderProgram from "../Renderer/ShaderProgram.js";
import ShaderSource from "../Renderer/ShaderSource.js";
import VertexArray from "../Renderer/VertexArray.js";
import PolylineCommon from "../Shaders/PolylineCommon.js";
import Vector3DTilePolylinesVS from "../Shaders/Vector3DTilePolylinesVS.js";
import when from "../ThirdParty/when.js";
import BlendingState from "./BlendingState.js";
import Cesium3DTileFeature from "./Cesium3DTileFeature.js";

 * Creates a batch of polylines that have been subdivided to be draped on terrain.
 * @alias Vector3DTilePolylines
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} options An object with following properties:
 * @param {Uint16Array} options.positions The positions of the polylines
 * @param {Uint32Array} options.counts The number or positions in the each polyline.
 * @param {Uint16Array} options.widths The width of each polyline.
 * @param {Number} options.minimumHeight The minimum height of the terrain covered by the tile.
 * @param {Number} options.maximumHeight The maximum height of the terrain covered by the tile.
 * @param {Rectangle} options.rectangle The rectangle containing the tile.
 * @param {Cartesian3} [] The RTC center.
 * @param {Cesium3DTileBatchTable} options.batchTable The batch table for the tile containing the batched polylines.
 * @param {Uint16Array} options.batchIds The batch ids for each polyline.
 * @param {BoundingSphere} options.boundingVolume The bounding volume for the entire batch of polylines.
 * @param {Boolean} options.keepDecodedPositions Whether to keep decoded positions in memory.
 * @private
function Vector3DTilePolylines(options) {
  // these arrays are all released after the first update.
  this._positions = options.positions;
  this._widths = options.widths;
  this._counts = options.counts;
  this._batchIds = options.batchIds;

  this._ellipsoid = defaultValue(options.ellipsoid, Ellipsoid.WGS84);
  this._minimumHeight = options.minimumHeight;
  this._maximumHeight = options.maximumHeight;
  this._center =;
  this._rectangle = options.rectangle;

  this._boundingVolume = options.boundingVolume;
  this._batchTable = options.batchTable;

  this._va = undefined;
  this._sp = undefined;
  this._rs = undefined;
  this._uniformMap = undefined;
  this._command = undefined;

  this._transferrableBatchIds = undefined;
  this._packedBuffer = undefined;

  this._keepDecodedPositions = options.keepDecodedPositions;
  this._decodedPositions = undefined;
  this._decodedPositionOffsets = undefined;

  this._currentPositions = undefined;
  this._previousPositions = undefined;
  this._nextPositions = undefined;
  this._expandAndWidth = undefined;
  this._vertexBatchIds = undefined;
  this._indices = undefined;

  this._constantColor = Color.clone(Color.WHITE);
  this._highlightColor = this._constantColor;

  this._trianglesLength = 0;
  this._geometryByteLength = 0;

  this._ready = false;
  this._readyPromise = when.defer();

  this._verticesPromise = undefined;

Object.defineProperties(Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype, {
   * Gets the number of triangles.
   * @memberof Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype
   * @type {Number}
   * @readonly
  trianglesLength: {
    get: function () {
      return this._trianglesLength;

   * Gets the geometry memory in bytes.
   * @memberof Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype
   * @type {Number}
   * @readonly
  geometryByteLength: {
    get: function () {
      return this._geometryByteLength;

   * Gets a promise that resolves when the primitive is ready to render.
   * @memberof Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype
   * @type {Promise<void>}
   * @readonly
  readyPromise: {
    get: function () {
      return this._readyPromise.promise;

function packBuffer(polylines) {
  var rectangle = polylines._rectangle;
  var minimumHeight = polylines._minimumHeight;
  var maximumHeight = polylines._maximumHeight;
  var ellipsoid = polylines._ellipsoid;
  var center = polylines._center;

  var packedLength =
    2 +
    Rectangle.packedLength +
    Ellipsoid.packedLength +
  var packedBuffer = new Float64Array(packedLength);

  var offset = 0;
  packedBuffer[offset++] = minimumHeight;
  packedBuffer[offset++] = maximumHeight;

  Rectangle.pack(rectangle, packedBuffer, offset);
  offset += Rectangle.packedLength;

  Ellipsoid.pack(ellipsoid, packedBuffer, offset);
  offset += Ellipsoid.packedLength;

  Cartesian3.pack(center, packedBuffer, offset);

  return packedBuffer;

var createVerticesTaskProcessor = new TaskProcessor(
var attributeLocations = {
  previousPosition: 0,
  currentPosition: 1,
  nextPosition: 2,
  expandAndWidth: 3,
  a_batchId: 4,

function createVertexArray(polylines, context) {
  if (defined(polylines._va)) {

  if (!defined(polylines._verticesPromise)) {
    var positions = polylines._positions;
    var widths = polylines._widths;
    var counts = polylines._counts;
    var batchIds = polylines._transferrableBatchIds;

    var packedBuffer = polylines._packedBuffer;

    if (!defined(packedBuffer)) {
      // Copy because they may be the views on the same buffer.
      positions = polylines._positions = arraySlice(positions);
      widths = polylines._widths = arraySlice(widths);
      counts = polylines._counts = arraySlice(counts);

      batchIds = polylines._transferrableBatchIds = arraySlice(

      packedBuffer = polylines._packedBuffer = packBuffer(polylines);

    var transferrableObjects = [
    var parameters = {
      positions: positions.buffer,
      widths: widths.buffer,
      counts: counts.buffer,
      batchIds: batchIds.buffer,
      packedBuffer: packedBuffer.buffer,
      keepDecodedPositions: polylines._keepDecodedPositions,

    var verticesPromise = (polylines._verticesPromise = createVerticesTaskProcessor.scheduleTask(
    if (!defined(verticesPromise)) {
      // Postponed

      .then(function (result) {
        if (polylines._keepDecodedPositions) {
          polylines._decodedPositions = new Float64Array(
          polylines._decodedPositionOffsets = new Uint32Array(

        polylines._currentPositions = new Float32Array(result.currentPositions);
        polylines._previousPositions = new Float32Array(
        polylines._nextPositions = new Float32Array(result.nextPositions);
        polylines._expandAndWidth = new Float32Array(result.expandAndWidth);
        polylines._vertexBatchIds = new Uint16Array(result.batchIds);

        var indexDatatype = result.indexDatatype;
        polylines._indices =
          indexDatatype === IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT
            ? new Uint16Array(result.indices)
            : new Uint32Array(result.indices);

        polylines._ready = true;
      .otherwise(function (error) {

  if (polylines._ready && !defined(polylines._va)) {
    var curPositions = polylines._currentPositions;
    var prevPositions = polylines._previousPositions;
    var nextPositions = polylines._nextPositions;
    var expandAndWidth = polylines._expandAndWidth;
    var vertexBatchIds = polylines._vertexBatchIds;
    var indices = polylines._indices;

    var byteLength =
      prevPositions.byteLength +
      curPositions.byteLength +
    byteLength +=
      expandAndWidth.byteLength +
      vertexBatchIds.byteLength +
    polylines._trianglesLength = indices.length / 3;
    polylines._geometryByteLength = byteLength;

    var prevPositionBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
      context: context,
      typedArray: prevPositions,
      usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
    var curPositionBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
      context: context,
      typedArray: curPositions,
      usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
    var nextPositionBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
      context: context,
      typedArray: nextPositions,
      usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
    var expandAndWidthBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
      context: context,
      typedArray: expandAndWidth,
      usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
    var idBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
      context: context,
      typedArray: vertexBatchIds,
      usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,

    var indexBuffer = Buffer.createIndexBuffer({
      context: context,
      typedArray: indices,
      usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
        indices.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 2
          ? IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT
          : IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT,

    var vertexAttributes = [
        index: attributeLocations.previousPosition,
        vertexBuffer: prevPositionBuffer,
        componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
        componentsPerAttribute: 3,
        index: attributeLocations.currentPosition,
        vertexBuffer: curPositionBuffer,
        componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
        componentsPerAttribute: 3,
        index: attributeLocations.nextPosition,
        vertexBuffer: nextPositionBuffer,
        componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
        componentsPerAttribute: 3,
        index: attributeLocations.expandAndWidth,
        vertexBuffer: expandAndWidthBuffer,
        componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
        componentsPerAttribute: 2,
        index: attributeLocations.a_batchId,
        vertexBuffer: idBuffer,
        componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT,
        componentsPerAttribute: 1,

    polylines._va = new VertexArray({
      context: context,
      attributes: vertexAttributes,
      indexBuffer: indexBuffer,

    polylines._positions = undefined;
    polylines._widths = undefined;
    polylines._counts = undefined;

    polylines._ellipsoid = undefined;
    polylines._minimumHeight = undefined;
    polylines._maximumHeight = undefined;
    polylines._rectangle = undefined;

    polylines._transferrableBatchIds = undefined;
    polylines._packedBuffer = undefined;

    polylines._currentPositions = undefined;
    polylines._previousPositions = undefined;
    polylines._nextPositions = undefined;
    polylines._expandAndWidth = undefined;
    polylines._vertexBatchIds = undefined;
    polylines._indices = undefined;


var modifiedModelViewScratch = new Matrix4();
var rtcScratch = new Cartesian3();

function createUniformMap(primitive, context) {
  if (defined(primitive._uniformMap)) {

  primitive._uniformMap = {
    u_modifiedModelView: function () {
      var viewMatrix = context.uniformState.view;
      Matrix4.clone(viewMatrix, modifiedModelViewScratch);
      return modifiedModelViewScratch;
    u_highlightColor: function () {
      return primitive._highlightColor;

function createRenderStates(primitive) {
  if (defined(primitive._rs)) {

  var polygonOffset = {
    enabled: true,
    factor: -5.0,
    units: -5.0,

  primitive._rs = RenderState.fromCache({
    blending: BlendingState.ALPHA_BLEND,
    depthMask: false,
    depthTest: {
      enabled: true,
    polygonOffset: polygonOffset,

var PolylineFS =
  "uniform vec4 u_highlightColor; \n" +
  "void main()\n" +
  "{\n" +
  "    gl_FragColor = u_highlightColor;\n" +

function createShaders(primitive, context) {
  if (defined(primitive._sp)) {

  var batchTable = primitive._batchTable;

  var vsSource = batchTable.getVertexShaderCallback(
  var fsSource = batchTable.getFragmentShaderCallback(

  var vs = new ShaderSource({
    defines: [
      !FeatureDetection.isInternetExplorer() ? "CLIP_POLYLINE" : "",
    sources: [PolylineCommon, vsSource],
  var fs = new ShaderSource({
    defines: ["VECTOR_TILE"],
    sources: [fsSource],

  primitive._sp = ShaderProgram.fromCache({
    context: context,
    vertexShaderSource: vs,
    fragmentShaderSource: fs,
    attributeLocations: attributeLocations,

function queueCommands(primitive, frameState) {
  if (!defined(primitive._command)) {
    var uniformMap = primitive._batchTable.getUniformMapCallback()(
    primitive._command = new DrawCommand({
      owner: primitive,
      vertexArray: primitive._va,
      renderState: primitive._rs,
      shaderProgram: primitive._sp,
      uniformMap: uniformMap,
      boundingVolume: primitive._boundingVolume,
      pass: Pass.TRANSLUCENT,
      pickId: primitive._batchTable.getPickId(),


Vector3DTilePolylines.getPolylinePositions = function (polylines, batchId) {
  var batchIds = polylines._batchIds;
  var positions = polylines._decodedPositions;
  var offsets = polylines._decodedPositionOffsets;

  if (!defined(batchIds) || !defined(positions)) {
    return undefined;

  var i;
  var j;
  var polylinesLength = batchIds.length;
  var positionsLength = 0;
  var resultCounter = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < polylinesLength; ++i) {
    if (batchIds[i] === batchId) {
      positionsLength += offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i];

  if (positionsLength === 0) {
    return undefined;

  var results = new Float64Array(positionsLength * 3);

  for (i = 0; i < polylinesLength; ++i) {
    if (batchIds[i] === batchId) {
      var offset = offsets[i];
      var count = offsets[i + 1] - offset;
      for (j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
        var decodedOffset = (offset + j) * 3;
        results[resultCounter++] = positions[decodedOffset];
        results[resultCounter++] = positions[decodedOffset + 1];
        results[resultCounter++] = positions[decodedOffset + 2];

  return results;

 * Get the polyline positions for the given feature.
 * @param {Number} batchId The batch ID of the feature.
Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype.getPositions = function (batchId) {
  return Vector3DTilePolylines.getPolylinePositions(this, batchId);

 * Creates features for each polyline and places it at the batch id index of features.
 * @param {Vector3DTileContent} content The vector tile content.
 * @param {Cesium3DTileFeature[]} features An array of features where the polygon features will be placed.
Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype.createFeatures = function (content, features) {
  var batchIds = this._batchIds;
  var length = batchIds.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    var batchId = batchIds[i];
    features[batchId] = new Cesium3DTileFeature(content, batchId);

 * Colors the entire tile when enabled is true. The resulting color will be (polyline batch table color * color).
 * @param {Boolean} enabled Whether to enable debug coloring.
 * @param {Color} color The debug color.
Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype.applyDebugSettings = function (enabled, color) {
  this._highlightColor = enabled ? color : this._constantColor;

function clearStyle(polygons, features) {
  var batchIds = polygons._batchIds;
  var length = batchIds.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    var batchId = batchIds[i];
    var feature = features[batchId]; = true;
    feature.color = Color.WHITE;

var scratchColor = new Color();


 * Apply a style to the content.
 * @param {Cesium3DTileStyle} style The style.
 * @param {Cesium3DTileFeature[]} features The array of features.
Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype.applyStyle = function (style, features) {
  if (!defined(style)) {
    clearStyle(this, features);

  var batchIds = this._batchIds;
  var length = batchIds.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    var batchId = batchIds[i];
    var feature = features[batchId];

    feature.color = defined(style.color)
      ? style.color.evaluateColor(feature, scratchColor)
      : DEFAULT_COLOR_VALUE; = defined(

 * Updates the batches and queues the commands for rendering.
 * @param {FrameState} frameState The current frame state.
Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype.update = function (frameState) {
  var context = frameState.context;

  createVertexArray(this, context);
  createUniformMap(this, context);
  createShaders(this, context);

  if (!this._ready) {

  var passes = frameState.passes;
  if (passes.render || passes.pick) {
    queueCommands(this, frameState);

 * Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
 * <p>
 * If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than
 * <code>isDestroyed</code> will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception.
 * </p>
 * @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if this object was destroyed; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype.isDestroyed = function () {
  return false;

 * Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object.  Destroying an object allows for deterministic
 * release of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object.
 * <p>
 * Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than
 * <code>isDestroyed</code> will result in a {@link DeveloperError} exception.  Therefore,
 * assign the return value (<code>undefined</code>) to the object as done in the example.
 * </p>
 * @exception {DeveloperError} This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called.
Vector3DTilePolylines.prototype.destroy = function () {
  this._va = this._va && this._va.destroy();
  this._sp = this._sp && this._sp.destroy();
  return destroyObject(this);
export default Vector3DTilePolylines;