define([ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/config", // defaultDuration "dojo/_base/lang", "../registry", "../main" // for setting exports to dijit namespace ], function(array, config, lang, registry, dijit){ // module: // dijit/_base/manager var exports = { // summary: // Deprecated. Shim to methods on registry, plus a few other declarations. // New code should access dijit/registry directly when possible. }; array.forEach(["byId", "getUniqueId", "findWidgets", "_destroyAll", "byNode", "getEnclosingWidget"], function(name){ exports[name] = registry[name]; }); lang.mixin(exports, { // defaultDuration: Integer // The default fx.animation speed (in ms) to use for all Dijit // transitional fx.animations, unless otherwise specified // on a per-instance basis. Defaults to 200, overrided by // `djConfig.defaultDuration` defaultDuration: config["defaultDuration"] || 200 }); lang.mixin(dijit, exports); /*===== return exports; =====*/ return dijit; // for back compat :-( });