define([ "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.experimental "dojo/robotx" // includes doh/robot, dojo/robot, and dojo/robotx, all of which affect and return doh/robot module ], function(kernel, robot){ // module: // dijit/robotx // summary: // Loads doh/robot, dojo/robot, dojo/robotx, and // sets dijit global in main window to point to the dijit loaded in the iframe. // TODO: Remove for 2.0. Tests shouldn't reference a dijit global at all, and should load dojo/robotx // in preference to this file. kernel.experimental("dijit.robotx"); var __updateDocument = robot._updateDocument; robot._updateDocument = function(){ __updateDocument(); var win =; if(win.dijit){ window.dijit = win.dijit; // window reference needed for IE } }; });