import Check from "../Core/Check.js"; /** * Gets a GLSL snippet that clips a fragment using the `clip` function from {@link getClippingFunction} and styles it. * * @param {String} samplerUniformName Name of the uniform for the clipping planes texture sampler. * @param {String} matrixUniformName Name of the uniform for the clipping planes matrix. * @param {String} styleUniformName Name of the uniform for the clipping planes style, a vec4. * @returns {String} A string containing GLSL that clips and styles the current fragment. * @private */ function getClipAndStyleCode( samplerUniformName, matrixUniformName, styleUniformName ) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); Check.typeOf.string("samplerUniformName", samplerUniformName); Check.typeOf.string("matrixUniformName", matrixUniformName); Check.typeOf.string("styleUniformName", styleUniformName); //>>includeEnd('debug'); var shaderCode = " float clipDistance = clip(gl_FragCoord, " + samplerUniformName + ", " + matrixUniformName + "); \n" + " vec4 clippingPlanesEdgeColor = vec4(1.0); \n" + " clippingPlanesEdgeColor.rgb = " + styleUniformName + ".rgb; \n" + " float clippingPlanesEdgeWidth = " + styleUniformName + ".a; \n" + " if (clipDistance > 0.0 && clipDistance < clippingPlanesEdgeWidth) \n" + " { \n" + " gl_FragColor = clippingPlanesEdgeColor;\n" + " } \n"; return shaderCode; } export default getClipAndStyleCode;