import Cartesian2 from "../Core/Cartesian2.js"; import Cartesian3 from "../Core/Cartesian3.js"; import Cartographic from "../Core/Cartographic.js"; import Color from "../Core/Color.js"; import createGuid from "../Core/createGuid.js"; import defaultValue from "../Core/defaultValue.js"; import defined from "../Core/defined.js"; import DeveloperError from "../Core/DeveloperError.js"; import Ellipsoid from "../Core/Ellipsoid.js"; import Iso8601 from "../Core/Iso8601.js"; import JulianDate from "../Core/JulianDate.js"; import CesiumMath from "../Core/Math.js"; import Rectangle from "../Core/Rectangle.js"; import ReferenceFrame from "../Core/ReferenceFrame.js"; import Resource from "../Core/Resource.js"; import RuntimeError from "../Core/RuntimeError.js"; import TimeInterval from "../Core/TimeInterval.js"; import TimeIntervalCollection from "../Core/TimeIntervalCollection.js"; import HeightReference from "../Scene/HeightReference.js"; import HorizontalOrigin from "../Scene/HorizontalOrigin.js"; import VerticalOrigin from "../Scene/VerticalOrigin.js"; import when from "../ThirdParty/when.js"; import zip from "../ThirdParty/zip.js"; import BillboardGraphics from "./BillboardGraphics.js"; import CompositePositionProperty from "./CompositePositionProperty.js"; import ModelGraphics from "./ModelGraphics.js"; import RectangleGraphics from "./RectangleGraphics.js"; import SampledPositionProperty from "./SampledPositionProperty.js"; import SampledProperty from "./SampledProperty.js"; import ScaledPositionProperty from "./ScaledPositionProperty.js"; var BILLBOARD_SIZE = 32; var kmlNamespace = ""; var gxNamespace = ""; var xmlnsNamespace = ""; // // Handles files external to the KML (eg. textures and models) // function ExternalFileHandler(modelCallback) { this._files = {}; this._promises = []; this._count = 0; this._modelCallback = modelCallback; } var imageTypeRegex = /^data:image\/([^,;]+)/; ExternalFileHandler.prototype.texture = function (texture) { var that = this; var filename; if (typeof texture === "string" || texture instanceof Resource) { texture = Resource.createIfNeeded(texture); if (!texture.isDataUri) { return texture.url; } // If its a data URI try and get the correct extension and then fetch the blob var regexResult = texture.url.match(imageTypeRegex); filename = "texture_" + ++this._count; if (defined(regexResult)) { filename += "." + regexResult[1]; } var promise = texture.fetchBlob().then(function (blob) { that._files[filename] = blob; }); this._promises.push(promise); return filename; } if (texture instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { var deferred = when.defer(); this._promises.push(deferred.promise); filename = "texture_" + ++this._count + ".png"; texture.toBlob(function (blob) { that._files[filename] = blob; deferred.resolve(); }); return filename; } return ""; }; function getModelBlobHander(that, filename) { return function (blob) { that._files[filename] = blob; }; } ExternalFileHandler.prototype.model = function (model, time) { var modelCallback = this._modelCallback; if (!defined(modelCallback)) { throw new RuntimeError( "Encountered a model entity while exporting to KML, but no model callback was supplied." ); } var externalFiles = {}; var url = modelCallback(model, time, externalFiles); // Iterate through external files and add them to our list once the promise resolves for (var filename in externalFiles) { if (externalFiles.hasOwnProperty(filename)) { var promise = when(externalFiles[filename]); this._promises.push(promise); promise.then(getModelBlobHander(this, filename)); } } return url; }; Object.defineProperties(ExternalFileHandler.prototype, { promise: { get: function () { return when.all(this._promises); }, }, files: { get: function () { return this._files; }, }, }); // // Handles getting values from properties taking the desired time and default values into account // function ValueGetter(time) { this._time = time; } ValueGetter.prototype.get = function (property, defaultVal, result) { var value; if (defined(property)) { value = defined(property.getValue) ? property.getValue(this._time, result) : property; } return defaultValue(value, defaultVal); }; ValueGetter.prototype.getColor = function (property, defaultVal) { var result = this.get(property, defaultVal); if (defined(result)) { return colorToString(result); } }; ValueGetter.prototype.getMaterialType = function (property) { if (!defined(property)) { return; } return property.getType(this._time); }; // // Caches styles so we don't generate a ton of duplicate styles // function StyleCache() { this._ids = {}; this._styles = {}; this._count = 0; } StyleCache.prototype.get = function (element) { var ids = this._ids; var key = element.innerHTML; if (defined(ids[key])) { return ids[key]; } var styleId = "style-" + ++this._count; element.setAttribute("id", styleId); // Store with # styleId = "#" + styleId; ids[key] = styleId; this._styles[key] = element; return styleId; }; = function (parentElement) { var styles = this._styles; var firstElement = parentElement.childNodes[0]; for (var key in styles) { if (styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) { parentElement.insertBefore(styles[key], firstElement); } } }; // // Manages the generation of IDs because an entity may have geometry and a Folder for children // function IdManager() { this._ids = {}; } IdManager.prototype.get = function (id) { if (!defined(id)) { return this.get(createGuid()); } var ids = this._ids; if (!defined(ids[id])) { ids[id] = 0; return id; } return id.toString() + "-" + ++ids[id]; }; /** * @typedef exportKmlResultKml * @type {Object} * @property {String} kml The generated KML. * @property {Object.<string, Blob>} externalFiles An object dictionary of external files */ /** * @typedef exportKmlResultKmz * @type {Object} * @property {Blob} kmz The generated kmz file. */ /** * Exports an EntityCollection as a KML document. Only Point, Billboard, Model, Path, Polygon, Polyline geometries * will be exported. Note that there is not a 1 to 1 mapping of Entity properties to KML Feature properties. For * example, entity properties that are time dynamic but cannot be dynamic in KML are exported with their values at * options.time or the beginning of the EntityCollection's time interval if not specified. For time-dynamic properties * that are supported in KML, we use the samples if it is a {@link SampledProperty} otherwise we sample the value using * the options.sampleDuration. Point, Billboard, Model and Path geometries with time-dynamic positions will be exported * as gx:Track Features. Not all Materials are representable in KML, so for more advanced Materials just the primary * color is used. Canvas objects are exported as PNG images. * * @function exportKml * * @param {Object} options An object with the following properties: * @param {EntityCollection} options.entities The EntityCollection to export as KML. * @param {Ellipsoid} [options.ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid for the output file. * @param {exportKmlModelCallback} [options.modelCallback] A callback that will be called with a {@link ModelGraphics} instance and should return the URI to use in the KML. Required if a model exists in the entity collection. * @param {JulianDate} [options.time=entities.computeAvailability().start] The time value to use to get properties that are not time varying in KML. * @param {TimeInterval} [options.defaultAvailability=entities.computeAvailability()] The interval that will be sampled if an entity doesn't have an availability. * @param {Number} [options.sampleDuration=60] The number of seconds to sample properties that are varying in KML. * @param {Boolean} [options.kmz=false] If true KML and external files will be compressed into a kmz file. * * @returns {Promise<exportKmlResultKml|exportKmlResultKmz>} A promise that resolved to an object containing the KML string and a dictionary of external file blobs, or a kmz file as a blob if options.kmz is true. * @demo {@link|Cesium Sandcastle KML Export Demo} * @example * Cesium.exportKml({ * entities: entityCollection * }) * .then(function(result) { * // The XML string is in result.kml * * var externalFiles = result.externalFiles * for(var file in externalFiles) { * // file is the name of the file used in the KML document as the href * // externalFiles[file] is a blob with the contents of the file * } * }); * */ function exportKml(options) { options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT); var entities = options.entities; var kmz = defaultValue(options.kmz, false); //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(entities)) { throw new DeveloperError("entities is required."); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); // Get the state that is passed around during the recursion // This is separated out for testing. var state = exportKml._createState(options); // Filter EntityCollection so we only have top level entities var rootEntities = entities.values.filter(function (entity) { return !defined(entity.parent); }); // Add the <Document> var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var kmlElement = kmlDoc.documentElement; kmlElement.setAttributeNS(xmlnsNamespace, "xmlns:gx", gxNamespace); var kmlDocumentElement = kmlDoc.createElement("Document"); kmlElement.appendChild(kmlDocumentElement); // Create the KML Hierarchy recurseEntities(state, kmlDocumentElement, rootEntities); // Write out the <Style> elements; // Once all the blobs have resolved return the KML string along with the blob collection var externalFileHandler = state.externalFileHandler; return externalFileHandler.promise.then(function () { var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); var kmlString = serializer.serializeToString(state.kmlDoc); if (kmz) { return createKmz(kmlString, externalFileHandler.files); } return { kml: kmlString, externalFiles: externalFileHandler.files, }; }); } function createKmz(kmlString, externalFiles) { var blobWriter = new zip.BlobWriter(); var writer = new zip.ZipWriter(blobWriter); // We need to only write one file at a time so the zip doesn't get corrupted return when(writer.add("doc.kml", new zip.TextReader(kmlString))) .then(function () { var keys = Object.keys(externalFiles); return addExternalFilesToZip(writer, keys, externalFiles, 0); }) .then(function () { return when(writer.close()).then(function (blob) { return { kmz: blob, }; }); }); } function addExternalFilesToZip(writer, keys, externalFiles, index) { if (keys.length === index) { return; } var filename = keys[index]; return when( writer.add(filename, new zip.BlobReader(externalFiles[filename])) ).then(function () { return addExternalFilesToZip(writer, keys, externalFiles, index + 1); }); } exportKml._createState = function (options) { var entities = options.entities; var styleCache = new StyleCache(); // Use the start time as the default because just in case they define // properties with an interval even if they don't change. var entityAvailability = entities.computeAvailability(); var time = defined(options.time) ? options.time : entityAvailability.start; // Figure out how we will sample dynamic position properties var defaultAvailability = defaultValue( options.defaultAvailability, entityAvailability ); var sampleDuration = defaultValue(options.sampleDuration, 60); // Make sure we don't have infinite availability if we need to sample if (defaultAvailability.start === Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE) { if (defaultAvailability.stop === Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE) { // Infinite, so just use the default defaultAvailability = new TimeInterval(); } else { // No start time, so just sample 10 times before the stop JulianDate.addSeconds( defaultAvailability.stop, -10 * sampleDuration, defaultAvailability.start ); } } else if (defaultAvailability.stop === Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE) { // No stop time, so just sample 10 times after the start JulianDate.addSeconds( defaultAvailability.start, 10 * sampleDuration, defaultAvailability.stop ); } var externalFileHandler = new ExternalFileHandler(options.modelCallback); var kmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(kmlNamespace, "kml"); return { kmlDoc: kmlDoc, ellipsoid: defaultValue(options.ellipsoid, Ellipsoid.WGS84), idManager: new IdManager(), styleCache: styleCache, externalFileHandler: externalFileHandler, time: time, valueGetter: new ValueGetter(time), sampleDuration: sampleDuration, // Wrap it in a TimeIntervalCollection because that is what entity.availability is defaultAvailability: new TimeIntervalCollection([defaultAvailability]), }; }; function recurseEntities(state, parentNode, entities) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var styleCache = state.styleCache; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var idManager = state.idManager; var count = entities.length; var overlays; var geometries; var styles; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var entity = entities[i]; overlays = []; geometries = []; styles = []; createPoint(state, entity, geometries, styles); createLineString(state, entity.polyline, geometries, styles); createPolygon(state, entity.rectangle, geometries, styles, overlays); createPolygon(state, entity.polygon, geometries, styles, overlays); createModel(state, entity, entity.model, geometries, styles); var timeSpan; var availability = entity.availability; if (defined(availability)) { timeSpan = kmlDoc.createElement("TimeSpan"); if (!JulianDate.equals(availability.start, Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE)) { timeSpan.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "begin", JulianDate.toIso8601(availability.start) ) ); } if (!JulianDate.equals(availability.stop, Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE)) { timeSpan.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "end", JulianDate.toIso8601(availability.stop) ) ); } } for (var overlayIndex = 0; overlayIndex < overlays.length; ++overlayIndex) { var overlay = overlays[overlayIndex]; overlay.setAttribute("id", idManager.get(; overlay.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "name", ); overlay.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "visibility", ); overlay.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "description", entity.description) ); if (defined(timeSpan)) { overlay.appendChild(timeSpan); } parentNode.appendChild(overlay); } var geometryCount = geometries.length; if (geometryCount > 0) { var placemark = kmlDoc.createElement("Placemark"); placemark.setAttribute("id", idManager.get(; var name =; var labelGraphics = entity.label; if (defined(labelGraphics)) { var labelStyle = kmlDoc.createElement("LabelStyle"); // KML only shows the name as a label, so just change the name if we need to show a label var text = valueGetter.get(labelGraphics.text); name = defined(text) && text.length > 0 ? text : name; var color = valueGetter.getColor(labelGraphics.fillColor); if (defined(color)) { labelStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "color", color) ); labelStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "colorMode", "normal") ); } var scale = valueGetter.get(labelGraphics.scale); if (defined(scale)) { labelStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "scale", scale) ); } styles.push(labelStyle); } placemark.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "name", name)); placemark.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "visibility", ); placemark.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "description", entity.description) ); if (defined(timeSpan)) { placemark.appendChild(timeSpan); } parentNode.appendChild(placemark); var styleCount = styles.length; if (styleCount > 0) { var style = kmlDoc.createElement("Style"); for (var styleIndex = 0; styleIndex < styleCount; ++styleIndex) { style.appendChild(styles[styleIndex]); } placemark.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "styleUrl", styleCache.get(style)) ); } if (geometries.length === 1) { placemark.appendChild(geometries[0]); } else if (geometries.length > 1) { var multigeometry = kmlDoc.createElement("MultiGeometry"); for ( var geometryIndex = 0; geometryIndex < geometryCount; ++geometryIndex ) { multigeometry.appendChild(geometries[geometryIndex]); } placemark.appendChild(multigeometry); } } var children = entity._children; if (children.length > 0) { var folderNode = kmlDoc.createElement("Folder"); folderNode.setAttribute("id", idManager.get(; folderNode.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "name", ); folderNode.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "visibility", ); folderNode.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "description", entity.description) ); parentNode.appendChild(folderNode); recurseEntities(state, folderNode, children); } } } var scratchCartesian3 = new Cartesian3(); var scratchCartographic = new Cartographic(); var scratchJulianDate = new JulianDate(); function createPoint(state, entity, geometries, styles) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var ellipsoid = state.ellipsoid; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var pointGraphics = defaultValue(entity.billboard, entity.point); if (!defined(pointGraphics) && !defined(entity.path)) { return; } // If the point isn't constant then create gx:Track or gx:MultiTrack var entityPositionProperty = entity.position; if (!entityPositionProperty.isConstant) { createTracks(state, entity, pointGraphics, geometries, styles); return; } valueGetter.get(entityPositionProperty, undefined, scratchCartesian3); var coordinates = createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "coordinates", getCoordinates(scratchCartesian3, ellipsoid) ); var pointGeometry = kmlDoc.createElement("Point"); // Set altitude mode var altitudeMode = kmlDoc.createElement("altitudeMode"); altitudeMode.appendChild( getAltitudeMode(state, pointGraphics.heightReference) ); pointGeometry.appendChild(altitudeMode); pointGeometry.appendChild(coordinates); geometries.push(pointGeometry); // Create style var iconStyle = pointGraphics instanceof BillboardGraphics ? createIconStyleFromBillboard(state, pointGraphics) : createIconStyleFromPoint(state, pointGraphics); styles.push(iconStyle); } function createTracks(state, entity, pointGraphics, geometries, styles) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var ellipsoid = state.ellipsoid; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var intervals; var entityPositionProperty = entity.position; var useEntityPositionProperty = true; if (entityPositionProperty instanceof CompositePositionProperty) { intervals = entityPositionProperty.intervals; useEntityPositionProperty = false; } else { intervals = defaultValue(entity.availability, state.defaultAvailability); } var isModel = pointGraphics instanceof ModelGraphics; var i, j, times; var tracks = []; for (i = 0; i < intervals.length; ++i) { var interval = intervals.get(i); var positionProperty = useEntityPositionProperty ? entityPositionProperty :; var trackAltitudeMode = kmlDoc.createElement("altitudeMode"); // This is something that KML importing uses to handle clampToGround, // so just extract the internal property and set the altitudeMode. if (positionProperty instanceof ScaledPositionProperty) { positionProperty = positionProperty._value; trackAltitudeMode.appendChild( getAltitudeMode(state, HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND) ); } else if (defined(pointGraphics)) { trackAltitudeMode.appendChild( getAltitudeMode(state, pointGraphics.heightReference) ); } else { // Path graphics only, which has no height reference trackAltitudeMode.appendChild( getAltitudeMode(state, HeightReference.NONE) ); } var positionTimes = []; var positionValues = []; if (positionProperty.isConstant) { valueGetter.get(positionProperty, undefined, scratchCartesian3); var constCoordinates = createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "coordinates", getCoordinates(scratchCartesian3, ellipsoid) ); // This interval is constant so add a track with the same position positionTimes.push(JulianDate.toIso8601(interval.start)); positionValues.push(constCoordinates); positionTimes.push(JulianDate.toIso8601(interval.stop)); positionValues.push(constCoordinates); } else if (positionProperty instanceof SampledPositionProperty) { times = positionProperty._property._times; for (j = 0; j < times.length; ++j) { positionTimes.push(JulianDate.toIso8601(times[j])); positionProperty.getValueInReferenceFrame( times[j], ReferenceFrame.FIXED, scratchCartesian3 ); positionValues.push(getCoordinates(scratchCartesian3, ellipsoid)); } } else if (positionProperty instanceof SampledProperty) { times = positionProperty._times; var values = positionProperty._values; for (j = 0; j < times.length; ++j) { positionTimes.push(JulianDate.toIso8601(times[j])); Cartesian3.fromArray(values, j * 3, scratchCartesian3); positionValues.push(getCoordinates(scratchCartesian3, ellipsoid)); } } else { var duration = state.sampleDuration; interval.start.clone(scratchJulianDate); if (!interval.isStartIncluded) { JulianDate.addSeconds(scratchJulianDate, duration, scratchJulianDate); } var stopDate = interval.stop; while (JulianDate.lessThan(scratchJulianDate, stopDate)) { positionProperty.getValue(scratchJulianDate, scratchCartesian3); positionTimes.push(JulianDate.toIso8601(scratchJulianDate)); positionValues.push(getCoordinates(scratchCartesian3, ellipsoid)); JulianDate.addSeconds(scratchJulianDate, duration, scratchJulianDate); } if ( interval.isStopIncluded && JulianDate.equals(scratchJulianDate, stopDate) ) { positionProperty.getValue(scratchJulianDate, scratchCartesian3); positionTimes.push(JulianDate.toIso8601(scratchJulianDate)); positionValues.push(getCoordinates(scratchCartesian3, ellipsoid)); } } var trackGeometry = kmlDoc.createElementNS(gxNamespace, "Track"); trackGeometry.appendChild(trackAltitudeMode); for (var k = 0; k < positionTimes.length; ++k) { var when = createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "when", positionTimes[k]); var coord = createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "coord", positionValues[k], gxNamespace ); trackGeometry.appendChild(when); trackGeometry.appendChild(coord); } if (isModel) { trackGeometry.appendChild(createModelGeometry(state, pointGraphics)); } tracks.push(trackGeometry); } // If one track, then use it otherwise combine into a multitrack if (tracks.length === 1) { geometries.push(tracks[0]); } else if (tracks.length > 1) { var multiTrackGeometry = kmlDoc.createElementNS(gxNamespace, "MultiTrack"); for (i = 0; i < tracks.length; ++i) { multiTrackGeometry.appendChild(tracks[i]); } geometries.push(multiTrackGeometry); } // Create style if (defined(pointGraphics) && !isModel) { var iconStyle = pointGraphics instanceof BillboardGraphics ? createIconStyleFromBillboard(state, pointGraphics) : createIconStyleFromPoint(state, pointGraphics); styles.push(iconStyle); } // See if we have a line that needs to be drawn var path = entity.path; if (defined(path)) { var width = valueGetter.get(path.width); var material = path.material; if (defined(material) || defined(width)) { var lineStyle = kmlDoc.createElement("LineStyle"); if (defined(width)) { lineStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "width", width) ); } processMaterial(state, material, lineStyle); styles.push(lineStyle); } } } function createIconStyleFromPoint(state, pointGraphics) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var iconStyle = kmlDoc.createElement("IconStyle"); var color = valueGetter.getColor(pointGraphics.color); if (defined(color)) { iconStyle.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "color", color)); iconStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "colorMode", "normal") ); } var pixelSize = valueGetter.get(pointGraphics.pixelSize); if (defined(pixelSize)) { iconStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "scale", pixelSize / BILLBOARD_SIZE) ); } return iconStyle; } function createIconStyleFromBillboard(state, billboardGraphics) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var externalFileHandler = state.externalFileHandler; var iconStyle = kmlDoc.createElement("IconStyle"); var image = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.image); if (defined(image)) { image = externalFileHandler.texture(image); var icon = kmlDoc.createElement("Icon"); icon.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "href", image)); var imageSubRegion = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.imageSubRegion); if (defined(imageSubRegion)) { icon.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "x", imageSubRegion.x, gxNamespace) ); icon.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "y", imageSubRegion.y, gxNamespace) ); icon.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "w", imageSubRegion.width, gxNamespace ) ); icon.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "h", imageSubRegion.height, gxNamespace ) ); } iconStyle.appendChild(icon); } var color = valueGetter.getColor(billboardGraphics.color); if (defined(color)) { iconStyle.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "color", color)); iconStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "colorMode", "normal") ); } var scale = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.scale); if (defined(scale)) { iconStyle.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "scale", scale)); } var pixelOffset = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.pixelOffset); if (defined(pixelOffset)) { scale = defaultValue(scale, 1.0); Cartesian2.divideByScalar(pixelOffset, scale, pixelOffset); var width = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.width, BILLBOARD_SIZE); var height = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.height, BILLBOARD_SIZE); // KML Hotspots are from the bottom left, but we work from the top left // Move to left var horizontalOrigin = valueGetter.get( billboardGraphics.horizontalOrigin, HorizontalOrigin.CENTER ); if (horizontalOrigin === HorizontalOrigin.CENTER) { pixelOffset.x -= width * 0.5; } else if (horizontalOrigin === HorizontalOrigin.RIGHT) { pixelOffset.x -= width; } // Move to bottom var verticalOrigin = valueGetter.get( billboardGraphics.verticalOrigin, VerticalOrigin.CENTER ); if (verticalOrigin === VerticalOrigin.TOP) { pixelOffset.y += height; } else if (verticalOrigin === VerticalOrigin.CENTER) { pixelOffset.y += height * 0.5; } var hotSpot = kmlDoc.createElement("hotSpot"); hotSpot.setAttribute("x", -pixelOffset.x); hotSpot.setAttribute("y", pixelOffset.y); hotSpot.setAttribute("xunits", "pixels"); hotSpot.setAttribute("yunits", "pixels"); iconStyle.appendChild(hotSpot); } // We can only specify heading so if axis isn't Z, then we skip the rotation // GE treats a heading of zero as no heading but can still point north using a 360 degree angle var rotation = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.rotation); var alignedAxis = valueGetter.get(billboardGraphics.alignedAxis); if (defined(rotation) && Cartesian3.equals(Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, alignedAxis)) { rotation = CesiumMath.toDegrees(-rotation); if (rotation === 0) { rotation = 360; } iconStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "heading", rotation) ); } return iconStyle; } function createLineString(state, polylineGraphics, geometries, styles) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var ellipsoid = state.ellipsoid; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; if (!defined(polylineGraphics)) { return; } var lineStringGeometry = kmlDoc.createElement("LineString"); // Set altitude mode var altitudeMode = kmlDoc.createElement("altitudeMode"); var clampToGround = valueGetter.get(polylineGraphics.clampToGround, false); var altitudeModeText; if (clampToGround) { lineStringGeometry.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "tessellate", true) ); altitudeModeText = kmlDoc.createTextNode("clampToGround"); } else { altitudeModeText = kmlDoc.createTextNode("absolute"); } altitudeMode.appendChild(altitudeModeText); lineStringGeometry.appendChild(altitudeMode); // Set coordinates var positionsProperty = polylineGraphics.positions; var cartesians = valueGetter.get(positionsProperty); var coordinates = createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "coordinates", getCoordinates(cartesians, ellipsoid) ); lineStringGeometry.appendChild(coordinates); // Set draw order var zIndex = valueGetter.get(polylineGraphics.zIndex); if (clampToGround && defined(zIndex)) { lineStringGeometry.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "drawOrder", zIndex, gxNamespace) ); } geometries.push(lineStringGeometry); // Create style var lineStyle = kmlDoc.createElement("LineStyle"); var width = valueGetter.get(polylineGraphics.width); if (defined(width)) { lineStyle.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "width", width)); } processMaterial(state, polylineGraphics.material, lineStyle); styles.push(lineStyle); } function getRectangleBoundaries(state, rectangleGraphics, extrudedHeight) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var coordinates; var height = valueGetter.get(rectangleGraphics.height, 0.0); if (extrudedHeight > 0) { // We extrude up and KML extrudes down, so if we extrude, set the polygon height to // the extruded height so KML will look similar to Cesium height = extrudedHeight; } var coordinatesProperty = rectangleGraphics.coordinates; var rectangle = valueGetter.get(coordinatesProperty); var coordinateStrings = []; var cornerFunction = [ Rectangle.northeast, Rectangle.southeast, Rectangle.southwest, Rectangle.northwest, ]; for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { cornerFunction[i](rectangle, scratchCartographic); coordinateStrings.push( CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.longitude) + "," + CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.latitude) + "," + height ); } coordinates = createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "coordinates", coordinateStrings.join(" ") ); var outerBoundaryIs = kmlDoc.createElement("outerBoundaryIs"); var linearRing = kmlDoc.createElement("LinearRing"); linearRing.appendChild(coordinates); outerBoundaryIs.appendChild(linearRing); return [outerBoundaryIs]; } function getLinearRing(state, positions, height, perPositionHeight) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var ellipsoid = state.ellipsoid; var coordinateStrings = []; var positionCount = positions.length; for (var i = 0; i < positionCount; ++i) { Cartographic.fromCartesian(positions[i], ellipsoid, scratchCartographic); coordinateStrings.push( CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.longitude) + "," + CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.latitude) + "," + (perPositionHeight ? scratchCartographic.height : height) ); } var coordinates = createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "coordinates", coordinateStrings.join(" ") ); var linearRing = kmlDoc.createElement("LinearRing"); linearRing.appendChild(coordinates); return linearRing; } function getPolygonBoundaries(state, polygonGraphics, extrudedHeight) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var height = valueGetter.get(polygonGraphics.height, 0.0); var perPositionHeight = valueGetter.get( polygonGraphics.perPositionHeight, false ); if (!perPositionHeight && extrudedHeight > 0) { // We extrude up and KML extrudes down, so if we extrude, set the polygon height to // the extruded height so KML will look similar to Cesium height = extrudedHeight; } var boundaries = []; var hierarchyProperty = polygonGraphics.hierarchy; var hierarchy = valueGetter.get(hierarchyProperty); // Polygon hierarchy can sometimes just be an array of positions var positions = Array.isArray(hierarchy) ? hierarchy : hierarchy.positions; // Polygon boundaries var outerBoundaryIs = kmlDoc.createElement("outerBoundaryIs"); outerBoundaryIs.appendChild( getLinearRing(state, positions, height, perPositionHeight) ); boundaries.push(outerBoundaryIs); // Hole boundaries var holes = hierarchy.holes; if (defined(holes)) { var holeCount = holes.length; for (var i = 0; i < holeCount; ++i) { var innerBoundaryIs = kmlDoc.createElement("innerBoundaryIs"); innerBoundaryIs.appendChild( getLinearRing(state, holes[i].positions, height, perPositionHeight) ); boundaries.push(innerBoundaryIs); } } return boundaries; } function createPolygon(state, geometry, geometries, styles, overlays) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; if (!defined(geometry)) { return; } // Detect textured quads and use ground overlays instead var isRectangle = geometry instanceof RectangleGraphics; if ( isRectangle && valueGetter.getMaterialType(geometry.material) === "Image" ) { createGroundOverlay(state, geometry, overlays); return; } var polygonGeometry = kmlDoc.createElement("Polygon"); var extrudedHeight = valueGetter.get(geometry.extrudedHeight, 0.0); if (extrudedHeight > 0) { polygonGeometry.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "extrude", true) ); } // Set boundaries var boundaries = isRectangle ? getRectangleBoundaries(state, geometry, extrudedHeight) : getPolygonBoundaries(state, geometry, extrudedHeight); var boundaryCount = boundaries.length; for (var i = 0; i < boundaryCount; ++i) { polygonGeometry.appendChild(boundaries[i]); } // Set altitude mode var altitudeMode = kmlDoc.createElement("altitudeMode"); altitudeMode.appendChild(getAltitudeMode(state, geometry.heightReference)); polygonGeometry.appendChild(altitudeMode); geometries.push(polygonGeometry); // Create style var polyStyle = kmlDoc.createElement("PolyStyle"); var fill = valueGetter.get(geometry.fill, false); if (fill) { polyStyle.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "fill", fill)); } processMaterial(state, geometry.material, polyStyle); var outline = valueGetter.get(geometry.outline, false); if (outline) { polyStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "outline", outline) ); // Outline uses LineStyle var lineStyle = kmlDoc.createElement("LineStyle"); var outlineWidth = valueGetter.get(geometry.outlineWidth, 1.0); lineStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "width", outlineWidth) ); var outlineColor = valueGetter.getColor(geometry.outlineColor, Color.BLACK); lineStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "color", outlineColor) ); lineStyle.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "colorMode", "normal") ); styles.push(lineStyle); } styles.push(polyStyle); } function createGroundOverlay(state, rectangleGraphics, overlays) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var externalFileHandler = state.externalFileHandler; var groundOverlay = kmlDoc.createElement("GroundOverlay"); // Set altitude mode var altitudeMode = kmlDoc.createElement("altitudeMode"); altitudeMode.appendChild( getAltitudeMode(state, rectangleGraphics.heightReference) ); groundOverlay.appendChild(altitudeMode); var height = valueGetter.get(rectangleGraphics.height); if (defined(height)) { groundOverlay.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "altitude", height) ); } var rectangle = valueGetter.get(rectangleGraphics.coordinates); var latLonBox = kmlDoc.createElement("LatLonBox"); latLonBox.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "north", CesiumMath.toDegrees(rectangle.north) ) ); latLonBox.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "south", CesiumMath.toDegrees(rectangle.south) ) ); latLonBox.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "east", CesiumMath.toDegrees(rectangle.east) ) ); latLonBox.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "west", CesiumMath.toDegrees(rectangle.west) ) ); groundOverlay.appendChild(latLonBox); // We should only end up here if we have an ImageMaterialProperty var material = valueGetter.get(rectangleGraphics.material); var href = externalFileHandler.texture(material.image); var icon = kmlDoc.createElement("Icon"); icon.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "href", href)); groundOverlay.appendChild(icon); var color = material.color; if (defined(color)) { groundOverlay.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "color", colorToString(material.color)) ); } overlays.push(groundOverlay); } function createModelGeometry(state, modelGraphics) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var externalFileHandler = state.externalFileHandler; var modelGeometry = kmlDoc.createElement("Model"); var scale = valueGetter.get(modelGraphics.scale); if (defined(scale)) { var scaleElement = kmlDoc.createElement("scale"); scaleElement.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "x", scale)); scaleElement.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "y", scale)); scaleElement.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "z", scale)); modelGeometry.appendChild(scaleElement); } var link = kmlDoc.createElement("Link"); var uri = externalFileHandler.model(modelGraphics, state.time); link.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "href", uri)); modelGeometry.appendChild(link); return modelGeometry; } function createModel(state, entity, modelGraphics, geometries, styles) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var ellipsoid = state.ellipsoid; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; if (!defined(modelGraphics)) { return; } // If the point isn't constant then create gx:Track or gx:MultiTrack var entityPositionProperty = entity.position; if (!entityPositionProperty.isConstant) { createTracks(state, entity, modelGraphics, geometries, styles); return; } var modelGeometry = createModelGeometry(state, modelGraphics); // Set altitude mode var altitudeMode = kmlDoc.createElement("altitudeMode"); altitudeMode.appendChild( getAltitudeMode(state, modelGraphics.heightReference) ); modelGeometry.appendChild(altitudeMode); valueGetter.get(entityPositionProperty, undefined, scratchCartesian3); Cartographic.fromCartesian(scratchCartesian3, ellipsoid, scratchCartographic); var location = kmlDoc.createElement("Location"); location.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "longitude", CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.longitude) ) ); location.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "latitude", CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.latitude) ) ); location.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "altitude", scratchCartographic.height) ); modelGeometry.appendChild(location); geometries.push(modelGeometry); } function processMaterial(state, materialProperty, style) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; if (!defined(materialProperty)) { return; } var material = valueGetter.get(materialProperty); if (!defined(material)) { return; } var color; var type = valueGetter.getMaterialType(materialProperty); switch (type) { case "Image": // Image materials are only able to be represented on rectangles, so if we make it // here we can't texture a generic polygon or polyline in KML, so just use white. color = colorToString(Color.WHITE); break; case "Color": case "Grid": case "PolylineGlow": case "PolylineArrow": case "PolylineDash": color = colorToString(material.color); break; case "PolylineOutline": color = colorToString(material.color); var outlineColor = colorToString(material.outlineColor); var outlineWidth = material.outlineWidth; style.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "outerColor", outlineColor, gxNamespace ) ); style.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, "outerWidth", outlineWidth, gxNamespace ) ); break; case "Stripe": color = colorToString(material.oddColor); break; } if (defined(color)) { style.appendChild(createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "color", color)); style.appendChild( createBasicElementWithText(kmlDoc, "colorMode", "normal") ); } } function getAltitudeMode(state, heightReferenceProperty) { var kmlDoc = state.kmlDoc; var valueGetter = state.valueGetter; var heightReference = valueGetter.get( heightReferenceProperty, HeightReference.NONE ); var altitudeModeText; switch (heightReference) { case HeightReference.NONE: altitudeModeText = kmlDoc.createTextNode("absolute"); break; case HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND: altitudeModeText = kmlDoc.createTextNode("clampToGround"); break; case HeightReference.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND: altitudeModeText = kmlDoc.createTextNode("relativeToGround"); break; } return altitudeModeText; } function getCoordinates(coordinates, ellipsoid) { if (!Array.isArray(coordinates)) { coordinates = [coordinates]; } var count = coordinates.length; var coordinateStrings = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Cartographic.fromCartesian(coordinates[i], ellipsoid, scratchCartographic); coordinateStrings.push( CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.longitude) + "," + CesiumMath.toDegrees(scratchCartographic.latitude) + "," + scratchCartographic.height ); } return coordinateStrings.join(" "); } function createBasicElementWithText( kmlDoc, elementName, elementValue, namespace ) { elementValue = defaultValue(elementValue, ""); if (typeof elementValue === "boolean") { elementValue = elementValue ? "1" : "0"; } // Create element with optional namespace var element = defined(namespace) ? kmlDoc.createElementNS(namespace, elementName) : kmlDoc.createElement(elementName); // Wrap value in CDATA section if it contains HTML var text = elementValue === "string" && elementValue.indexOf("<") !== -1 ? kmlDoc.createCDATASection(elementValue) : kmlDoc.createTextNode(elementValue); element.appendChild(text); return element; } function colorToString(color) { var result = ""; var bytes = color.toBytes(); for (var i = 3; i >= 0; --i) { result += bytes[i] < 16 ? "0" + bytes[i].toString(16) : bytes[i].toString(16); } return result; } /** * Since KML does not support glTF models, this callback is required to specify what URL to use for the model in the KML document. * It can also be used to add additional files to the <code>externalFiles</code> object, which is the list of files embedded in the exported KMZ, * or otherwise returned with the KML string when exporting. * * @callback exportKmlModelCallback * * @param {ModelGraphics} model The ModelGraphics instance for an Entity. * @param {JulianDate} time The time that any properties should use to get the value. * @param {Object} externalFiles An object that maps a filename to a Blob or a Promise that resolves to a Blob. * @returns {String} The URL to use for the href in the KML document. */ export default exportKml;