/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Echarts - funnels and chords * * Funnels and chords chart configurations * * Version: 1.0 * Latest update: August 1, 2015 * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $(function () { // Set paths // ------------------------------ require.config({ paths: { echarts: 'assets/js/plugins/visualization/echarts' } }); // Configuration // ------------------------------ require( [ 'echarts', 'echarts/theme/limitless', 'echarts/chart/funnel', 'echarts/chart/pie', 'echarts/chart/chord' ], // Charts setup function (ec, limitless) { // Initialize charts // ------------------------------ var funnel_asc = ec.init(document.getElementById('funnel_asc'), limitless); var funnel_desc = ec.init(document.getElementById('funnel_desc'), limitless); var funnel_left = ec.init(document.getElementById('funnel_left'), limitless); var funnel_right = ec.init(document.getElementById('funnel_right'), limitless); var funnel_multiple_overlay = ec.init(document.getElementById('funnel_multiple_overlay'), limitless); var funnel_multiple_separate = ec.init(document.getElementById('funnel_multiple_separate'), limitless); var chord_basic = ec.init(document.getElementById('chord_basic'), limitless); var chord_sorting = ec.init(document.getElementById('chord_sorting'), limitless); var chord_non_ribbon = ec.init(document.getElementById('chord_non_ribbon'), limitless); var chord_scale = ec.init(document.getElementById('chord_scale'), limitless); // Charts setup // ------------------------------ // // Basic funnel options // funnel_desc_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Browser popularity', subtext: 'Open source information', x: 'center' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c}%" }, // Display toolbox toolbox: { show: true, y: 75, orient: 'vertical', feature: { mark: { show: true, title: { mark: 'Markline switch', markUndo: 'Undo markline', markClear: 'Clear markline' } }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false, title: 'View data', lang: ['View chart data', 'Close', 'Update'] }, magicType: { show: true, title: { pie: 'Switch to pies', funnel: 'Switch to funnel', }, type: ['pie', 'funnel'], option: { pie: { radius: '75%', center: ['50%', '55%'] } } }, restore: { show: true, title: 'Restore' }, saveAsImage: { show: true, title: 'Same as image', lang: ['Save'] } } }, // Add legend legend: { x: 'left', y: 75, orient: 'vertical', data: ['Internet Explorer','Opera','Safari','Firefox','Chrome'] }, // Enable drag recalculate calculable: true, // Add series series: [ { name: 'Statistics', type: 'funnel', x: '25%', x2: '25%', y: '17.5%', height: '80%', itemStyle: { normal: { label: { position: 'left' } } }, data: [ {value: 60, name: 'Safari'}, {value: 40, name: 'Firefox'}, {value: 20, name: 'Chrome'}, {value: 80, name: 'Opera'}, {value: 100, name: 'Internet Explorer'} ] } ] }; // // Funnel sorting options // funnel_asc_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Browser popularity', subtext: 'Open source information', x: 'center' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c}%" }, // Display toolbox toolbox: { show: true, orient: 'vertical', y: 75, feature: { mark: { show: true, title: { mark: 'Markline switch', markUndo: 'Undo markline', markClear: 'Clear markline' } }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false, title: 'View data', lang: ['View chart data', 'Close', 'Update'] }, magicType: { show: true, title: { pie: 'Switch to pies', funnel: 'Switch to funnel', }, type: ['pie', 'funnel'], option: { pie: { radius: '75%', center: ['50%', '55%'] } } }, restore: { show: true, title: 'Restore' }, saveAsImage: { show: true, title: 'Same as image', lang: ['Save'] } } }, // Add legend legend: { x: 'left', y: 75, orient: 'vertical', data: ['Internet Explorer','Opera','Safari','Firefox','Chrome'] }, // Enable drag recalculate calculable: true, // Add series series: [ { name: 'Statistics', type: 'funnel', x: '25%', x2: '25%', y: '17.5%', height: '80%', sort: 'ascending', itemStyle: { normal: { label: { position: 'left' } } }, data: [ {value: 60, name: 'Safari'}, {value: 40, name: 'Firefox'}, {value: 20, name: 'Chrome'}, {value: 80, name: 'Opera'}, {value: 100, name: 'Internet Explorer'} ] } ] }; // // Left funnel options // funnel_left_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Browser popularity', subtext: 'Open source information', x: 'center' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c}%" }, // Display toolbox toolbox: { show: true, orient: 'vertical', y: 75, feature: { mark: { show: true, title: { mark: 'Markline switch', markUndo: 'Undo markline', markClear: 'Clear markline' } }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false, title: 'View data', lang: ['View chart data', 'Close', 'Update'] }, magicType: { show: true, title: { pie: 'Switch to pies', funnel: 'Switch to funnel', }, type: ['pie', 'funnel'], option: { pie: { radius: '75%', center: ['50%', '55%'] } } }, restore: { show: true, title: 'Restore' }, saveAsImage: { show: true, title: 'Same as image', lang: ['Save'] } } }, // Add legend legend: { orient: 'vertical', x: 'left', y: 75, data: ['Internet Explorer','Opera','Safari','Firefox','Chrome'] }, // Enable drag recalculate calculable: true, // Add series series: [ { name: 'Statistics', type: 'funnel', funnelAlign: 'left', x: '25%', x2: '25%', y: '17.5%', width: '50%', height: '80%', data: [ {value: 60, name: 'Safari'}, {value: 30, name: 'Firefox'}, {value: 10, name: 'Chrome'}, {value: 80, name: 'Opera'}, {value: 100, name: 'Internet Explorer'} ] } ] }; // // Right funnel options // funnel_right_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Browser popularity', subtext: 'Open source information', x: 'center' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c}%" }, // Display toolbox toolbox: { show: true, orient: 'vertical', y: 75, feature: { mark: { show: true, title: { mark: 'Markline switch', markUndo: 'Undo markline', markClear: 'Clear markline' } }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false, title: 'View data', lang: ['View chart data', 'Close', 'Update'] }, magicType: { show: true, title: { pie: 'Switch to pies', funnel: 'Switch to funnel', }, type: ['pie', 'funnel'], option: { pie: { radius: '75%', center: ['50%', '55%'] } } }, restore: { show: true, title: 'Restore' }, saveAsImage: { show: true, title: 'Same as image', lang: ['Save'] } } }, // Add legend legend: { orient: 'vertical', x: 'left', y: 75, data: ['Internet Explorer','Opera','Safari','Firefox','Chrome'] }, // Enable drag recalculate calculable: true, // Add series series: [ { name: 'Statistics', type: 'funnel', funnelAlign: 'right', x: '25%', x2: '25%', y: '17.5%', width: '50%', height: '80%', itemStyle: { normal: { label: { position: 'left' } } }, data: [ {value: 60, name: 'Safari'}, {value: 30, name: 'Firefox'}, {value: 10, name: 'Chrome'}, {value: 80, name: 'Opera'}, {value: 100, name: 'Internet Explorer'} ] } ] }; // // Multiple funnels (overlay) options // funnel_multiple_overlay_options = { // Add colors color: [ 'rgba(255, 69, 0, 0.5)', 'rgba(255, 150, 0, 0.5)', 'rgba(255, 200, 0, 0.5)', 'rgba(155, 200, 50, 0.5)', 'rgba(55, 200, 100, 0.5)' ], // Add title title: { text: 'Browser popularity', subtext: 'Open source information', x: 'center' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c}%" }, // Display toolbox toolbox: { show: true, orient: 'vertical', y: 75, feature: { mark: { show: true, title: { mark: 'Markline switch', markUndo: 'Undo markline', markClear: 'Clear markline' } }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false, title: 'View data', lang: ['View chart data', 'Close', 'Update'] }, restore: { show: true, title: 'Restore' }, saveAsImage: { show: true, title: 'Same as image', lang: ['Save'] } } }, // Add legend legend: { data: ['Chrome','Opera','Safari','Firefox','IE'], orient: 'vertical', x: 'left', y: 75 }, // Enable drag recalculate calculable: true, // Add series series: [ { name: 'Expected', type: 'funnel', y: '17.5%', x: '25%', x2: '25%', width: '50%', height: '80%', itemStyle: { normal: { label: { formatter: '{b}' }, labelLine: { show: false } }, emphasis: { label: { position: 'inside', formatter: '{b}: {c}%' } } }, data: [ {value: 45, name: 'IE'}, {value: 60, name: 'Firefox'}, {value: 70, name: 'Safari'}, {value: 80, name: 'Opera'}, {value: 100, name: 'Chrome'} ] }, { name: 'Result', type: 'funnel', y: '17.5%', x: '25%', x2: '25%', width: '50%', height: '80%', maxSize: '80%', itemStyle: { normal: { borderColor: '#fff', borderWidth: 2, label: { position: 'inside', formatter: '{c}%', textStyle: { color: '#fff' } } }, emphasis: { label: { position: 'inside', formatter: '{b}: {c}%' } } }, data: [ {value: 30, name: 'IE'}, {value: 48, name: 'Firefox'}, {value: 66, name: 'Safari'}, {value: 69, name: 'Opera'}, {value: 80, name: 'Chrome'} ] } ] }; // // Multiple funnels (separate) options // funnel_multiple_separate_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Browser popularity', subtext: 'Open source information', y: 100 }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: "{a} <br/>{b}: {c}%" }, // Display toolbox toolbox: { show: true, orient: 'vertical', y: 'center', feature: { mark: { show: true, title: { mark: 'Markline switch', markUndo: 'Undo markline', markClear: 'Clear markline' } }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false, title: 'View data', lang: ['View chart data', 'Close', 'Update'] }, restore: { show: true, title: 'Restore' }, saveAsImage: { show: true, title: 'Same as image', lang: ['Save'] } } }, // Add legend legend: { orient: 'vertical', x: 'left', y: '40%', data: ['Chrome','Opera','Safari','Firefox','IE','','Android','Windows','OS X','BlackBerry','Others'] }, // Enable drag recalculate calculable: true, // Add series series: [ { name: 'Browser', type: 'funnel', x: '35%', width: '40%', height: '43%', y: '3%', itemStyle: { normal: { label: { position: 'left' } } }, data: [ {value: 60, name: 'Safari'}, {value: 30, name: 'Firefox'}, {value: 10, name: 'IE'}, {value: 80, name: 'Opera'}, {value: 100, name: 'Chrome'} ] }, { name: 'Operating system', type: 'funnel', x: '35%', width: '40%', height: '43%', y: '55%', sort: 'ascending', itemStyle: { normal: { label: { position: 'right' } } }, data: [ {value: 60, name: 'Android'}, {value: 30, name: 'Windows'}, {value: 10, name: 'OS X'}, {value: 80, name: 'BlackBerry'}, {value: 100, name: 'Others'} ] } ] }; // // Basic chord options // chord_basic_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Webkit dependencies', subtext: 'Demo stuff taken from d3.js', x: 'right' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: function (params) { if (params.indicator2) { // is edge return params.value.weight; } else { // is node return params.name } } }, // Add legend legend: { x: 'left', orient: 'vertical', data: ['Group1','Group2', 'Group3', 'Group4'] }, // Add series series: [ { type: 'chord', data: [ {name: 'Group1'}, {name: 'Group2'}, {name: 'Group3'}, {name: 'Group4'} ], itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: false } } }, matrix: [ [11975, 5871, 8916, 2868], [ 1951, 10048, 2060, 6171], [ 8010, 16145, 8090, 8045], [ 1013, 990, 940, 6907] ] } ] }; // // Funnel scales options // chord_scale_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Webkit dependencies', subtext: 'Demo stuff taken from d3.js', x: 'right' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: function (params) { if (params.indicator2) { // is edge return params.value.weight; } else { // is node return params.name } } }, // Add legend legend: { x: 'left', orient: 'vertical', data: ['Group1','Group2', 'Group3', 'Group4'] }, // Add series series: [ { type: 'chord', showScale: true, showScaleText: true, clockWise: true, data: [ {name: 'Group1'}, {name: 'Group2'}, {name: 'Group3'}, {name: 'Group4'} ], itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: false } } }, matrix: [ [11975, 5871, 8916, 2868], [ 1951, 10048, 2060, 6171], [ 8010, 16145, 8090, 8045], [ 1013, 990, 940, 6907] ] } ] }; // // Chord sorting options // chord_sorting_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Fußball Bundesliga', subtext: 'Players effectiveness', x: 'right' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: function (params) { if (params.indicator2) { // is edge return params.indicator2 + ': ' + params.indicator; } else { // is node return params.name } } }, // Add legend legend: { orient: 'vertical', x: 'left', data: ['Arsenal', 'Bayern', 'Dortmund'] }, // Add series series: [ { type: 'chord', sort: 'ascending', sortSub: 'descending', showScale: false, itemStyle: { normal: { label: { rotate: true } } }, nodes: [ {name: 'Gibbs'}, {name: 'Ozil'}, {name: 'Podolski'}, {name: 'Neuer'}, {name: 'Boateng'}, {name: 'Schweinsteiger'}, {name: 'Ram'}, {name: 'Cross'}, {name: 'Muller'}, {name: 'Goetze'}, {name: 'Hummels'}, {name: 'Reus'}, {name: 'Durm'}, {name: 'Sahin'}, {name: 'Arsenal'}, {name: 'Bayern'}, {name: 'Dortmund'} ], links: [ {source: 'Arsenal', target: 'Gibbs', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Arsenal', target: 'Ozil', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Arsenal', target: 'Podolski', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Neuer', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Boateng', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Schweinsteiger', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Ram', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Cross', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Muller', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Goetze', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Hummels', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Reus', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Durm', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Sahin', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, // Ribbon Type {target: 'Arsenal', source: 'Gibbs', weight: 1}, {target: 'Arsenal', source: 'Ozil', weight: 1}, {target: 'Arsenal', source: 'Podolski', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Neuer', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Boateng', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Schweinsteiger', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Ram', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Cross', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Muller', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Goetze', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Hummels', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Reus', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Durm', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Sahin', weight: 1} ] } ] }; // // Non-ribbon chord options // chord_non_ribbon_options = { // Add title title: { text: 'Fußball Bundesliga', subtext: 'Players effectiveness', x: 'right' }, // Add tooltip tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: function (params) { if (params.indicator2) { // is edge return params.indicator2 + ': ' + params.indicator; } else { // is node return params.name } } }, // Add legend legend: { orient: 'vertical', x: 'left', data: ['Arsenal', 'Bayern', 'Dortmund'] }, // Add series series: [ { type: 'chord', sort: 'ascending', sortSub: 'descending', showScale: false, ribbonType: false, radius: '68%', minRadius: 7, maxRadius: 20, itemStyle: { normal: { chordStyle: { color: '#999' }, label: { rotate: true } } }, nodes: [ {name: 'Gibbs'}, {name: 'Ozil'}, {name: 'Podolski'}, {name: 'Neuer'}, {name: 'Boateng'}, {name: 'Schweinsteiger'}, {name: 'Ram'}, {name: 'Cross'}, {name: 'Muller'}, {name: 'Goetze'}, {name: 'Hummels'}, {name: 'Reus'}, {name: 'Durm'}, {name: 'Sahin'}, {name: 'Arsenal'}, {name: 'Bayern'}, {name: 'Dortmund'} ], links: [ {source: 'Arsenal', target: 'Gibbs', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Arsenal', target: 'Ozil', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Arsenal', target: 'Podolski', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Neuer', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Boateng', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Schweinsteiger', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Ram', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Cross', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Muller', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Bayern', target: 'Goetze', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Hummels', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Reus', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Durm', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, {source: 'Dortmund', target: 'Sahin', weight: 0.9, name: 'Effectiveness'}, // Ribbon Type {target: 'Arsenal', source: 'Gibbs', weight: 1}, {target: 'Arsenal', source: 'Ozil', weight: 1}, {target: 'Arsenal', source: 'Podolski', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Neuer', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Boateng', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Schweinsteiger', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Ram', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Cross', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Muller', weight: 1}, {target: 'Bayern', source: 'Goetze', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Hummels', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Reus', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Durm', weight: 1}, {target: 'Dortmund', source: 'Sahin', weight: 1} ] } ] }; // Apply options // ------------------------------ funnel_asc.setOption(funnel_asc_options); funnel_desc.setOption(funnel_desc_options); funnel_left.setOption(funnel_left_options); funnel_right.setOption(funnel_right_options); funnel_multiple_overlay.setOption(funnel_multiple_overlay_options); funnel_multiple_separate.setOption(funnel_multiple_separate_options); chord_basic.setOption(chord_basic_options); chord_sorting.setOption(chord_sorting_options); chord_non_ribbon.setOption(chord_non_ribbon_options); chord_scale.setOption(chord_scale_options); // Resize charts // ------------------------------ window.onresize = function () { setTimeout(function (){ funnel_asc.resize(); funnel_desc.resize(); funnel_left.resize(); funnel_right.resize(); funnel_multiple_overlay.resize(); funnel_multiple_separate.resize(); chord_basic.resize(); chord_sorting.resize(); chord_non_ribbon.resize(); chord_scale.resize(); }, 200); } } ); });