// emulated noperspective
#if defined(GL_EXT_frag_depth) && !defined(LOG_DEPTH)
varying float v_WindowZ;

 * Emulates GL_DEPTH_CLAMP, which is not available in WebGL 1 or 2.
 * GL_DEPTH_CLAMP clamps geometry that is outside the near and far planes, 
 * capping the shadow volume. More information here: 
 * https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/ARB/ARB_depth_clamp.txt.
 * When GL_EXT_frag_depth is available we emulate GL_DEPTH_CLAMP by ensuring 
 * no geometry gets clipped by setting the clip space z value to 0.0 and then
 * sending the unaltered screen space z value (using emulated noperspective
 * interpolation) to the frag shader where it is clamped to [0,1] and then
 * written with gl_FragDepth (see czm_writeDepthClamp). This technique is based on:
 * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5960757/how-to-emulate-gl-depth-clamp-nv.
 * When GL_EXT_frag_depth is not available, which is the case on some mobile 
 * devices, we must attempt to fix this only in the vertex shader. 
 * The approach is to clamp the z value to the far plane, which closes the 
 * shadow volume but also distorts the geometry, so there can still be artifacts
 * on frustum seams.
 * @name czm_depthClamp
 * @glslFunction
 * @param {vec4} coords The vertex in clip coordinates.
 * @returns {vec4} The modified vertex.
 * @example
 * gl_Position = czm_depthClamp(czm_modelViewProjection * vec4(position, 1.0));
 * @see czm_writeDepthClamp
vec4 czm_depthClamp(vec4 coords)
#ifndef LOG_DEPTH
#ifdef GL_EXT_frag_depth
    v_WindowZ = (0.5 * (coords.z / coords.w) + 0.5) * coords.w;
    coords.z = 0.0;
    coords.z = min(coords.z, coords.w);
    return coords;