import Cartesian4 from "../Core/Cartesian4.js"; import defined from "../Core/defined.js"; import destroyObject from "../Core/destroyObject.js"; import PixelFormat from "../Core/PixelFormat.js"; import Framebuffer from "../Renderer/Framebuffer.js"; import PixelDatatype from "../Renderer/PixelDatatype.js"; import RenderState from "../Renderer/RenderState.js"; import ShaderSource from "../Renderer/ShaderSource.js"; import Texture from "../Renderer/Texture.js"; /** * @private */ function PickDepth() { this._framebuffer = undefined; this._depthTexture = undefined; this._textureToCopy = undefined; this._copyDepthCommand = undefined; this._useLogDepth = undefined; this._debugPickDepthViewportCommand = undefined; } function executeDebugPickDepth(pickDepth, context, passState, useLogDepth) { if ( !defined(pickDepth._debugPickDepthViewportCommand) || useLogDepth !== pickDepth._useLogDepth ) { var fsSource = "uniform highp sampler2D u_texture;\n" + "varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates;\n" + "void main()\n" + "{\n" + " float z_window = czm_unpackDepth(texture2D(u_texture, v_textureCoordinates));\n" + " z_window = czm_reverseLogDepth(z_window); \n" + " float n_range = czm_depthRange.near;\n" + " float f_range = czm_depthRange.far;\n" + " float z_ndc = (2.0 * z_window - n_range - f_range) / (f_range - n_range);\n" + " float scale = pow(z_ndc * 0.5 + 0.5, 8.0);\n" + " gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0), scale), 1.0);\n" + "}\n"; var fs = new ShaderSource({ defines: [useLogDepth ? "LOG_DEPTH" : ""], sources: [fsSource], }); pickDepth._debugPickDepthViewportCommand = context.createViewportQuadCommand( fs, { uniformMap: { u_texture: function () { return pickDepth._depthTexture; }, }, owner: pickDepth, } ); pickDepth._useLogDepth = useLogDepth; } pickDepth._debugPickDepthViewportCommand.execute(context, passState); } function destroyTextures(pickDepth) { pickDepth._depthTexture = pickDepth._depthTexture && !pickDepth._depthTexture.isDestroyed() && pickDepth._depthTexture.destroy(); } function destroyFramebuffers(pickDepth) { pickDepth._framebuffer = pickDepth._framebuffer && !pickDepth._framebuffer.isDestroyed() && pickDepth._framebuffer.destroy(); } function createTextures(pickDepth, context, width, height) { pickDepth._depthTexture = new Texture({ context: context, width: width, height: height, pixelFormat: PixelFormat.RGBA, pixelDatatype: PixelDatatype.UNSIGNED_BYTE, }); } function createFramebuffers(pickDepth, context, width, height) { destroyTextures(pickDepth); destroyFramebuffers(pickDepth); createTextures(pickDepth, context, width, height); pickDepth._framebuffer = new Framebuffer({ context: context, colorTextures: [pickDepth._depthTexture], destroyAttachments: false, }); } function updateFramebuffers(pickDepth, context, depthTexture) { var width = depthTexture.width; var height = depthTexture.height; var texture = pickDepth._depthTexture; var textureChanged = !defined(texture) || texture.width !== width || texture.height !== height; if (!defined(pickDepth._framebuffer) || textureChanged) { createFramebuffers(pickDepth, context, width, height); } } function updateCopyCommands(pickDepth, context, depthTexture) { if (!defined(pickDepth._copyDepthCommand)) { var fs = "uniform highp sampler2D u_texture;\n" + "varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates;\n" + "void main()\n" + "{\n" + " gl_FragColor = czm_packDepth(texture2D(u_texture, v_textureCoordinates).r);\n" + "}\n"; pickDepth._copyDepthCommand = context.createViewportQuadCommand(fs, { renderState: RenderState.fromCache(), uniformMap: { u_texture: function () { return pickDepth._textureToCopy; }, }, owner: pickDepth, }); } pickDepth._textureToCopy = depthTexture; pickDepth._copyDepthCommand.framebuffer = pickDepth._framebuffer; } PickDepth.prototype.executeDebugPickDepth = function ( context, passState, useLogDepth ) { executeDebugPickDepth(this, context, passState, useLogDepth); }; PickDepth.prototype.update = function (context, depthTexture) { updateFramebuffers(this, context, depthTexture); updateCopyCommands(this, context, depthTexture); }; var scratchPackedDepth = new Cartesian4(); var packedDepthScale = new Cartesian4( 1.0, 1.0 / 255.0, 1.0 / 65025.0, 1.0 / 16581375.0 ); PickDepth.prototype.getDepth = function (context, x, y) { // If this function is called before the framebuffer is created, the depth is undefined. if (!defined(this._framebuffer)) { return undefined; } var pixels = context.readPixels({ x: x, y: y, width: 1, height: 1, framebuffer: this._framebuffer, }); var packedDepth = Cartesian4.unpack(pixels, 0, scratchPackedDepth); Cartesian4.divideByScalar(packedDepth, 255.0, packedDepth); return, packedDepthScale); }; PickDepth.prototype.executeCopyDepth = function (context, passState) { this._copyDepthCommand.execute(context, passState); }; PickDepth.prototype.isDestroyed = function () { return false; }; PickDepth.prototype.destroy = function () { destroyTextures(this); destroyFramebuffers(this); if (defined(this._copyDepthCommand)) { this._copyDepthCommand.shaderProgram = defined(this._copyDepthCommand.shaderProgram) && this._copyDepthCommand.shaderProgram.destroy(); } return destroyObject(this); }; export default PickDepth;