import when from "../ThirdParty/when.js"; import BoundingSphere from "./BoundingSphere.js"; import Cartesian3 from "./Cartesian3.js"; import Check from "./Check.js"; import defaultValue from "./defaultValue.js"; import defined from "./defined.js"; import DeveloperError from "./DeveloperError.js"; import GeographicProjection from "./GeographicProjection.js"; import HeightmapEncoding from "./HeightmapEncoding.js"; import HeightmapTessellator from "./HeightmapTessellator.js"; import CesiumMath from "./Math.js"; import OrientedBoundingBox from "./OrientedBoundingBox.js"; import Rectangle from "./Rectangle.js"; import TaskProcessor from "./TaskProcessor.js"; import TerrainData from "./TerrainData.js"; import TerrainEncoding from "./TerrainEncoding.js"; import TerrainMesh from "./TerrainMesh.js"; import TerrainProvider from "./TerrainProvider.js"; /** * Terrain data for a single tile where the terrain data is represented as a heightmap. A heightmap * is a rectangular array of heights in row-major order from north to south and west to east. * * @alias HeightmapTerrainData * @constructor * * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties: * @param {Int8Array|Uint8Array|Int16Array|Uint16Array|Int32Array|Uint32Array|Float32Array|Float64Array} options.buffer The buffer containing height data. * @param {Number} options.width The width (longitude direction) of the heightmap, in samples. * @param {Number} options.height The height (latitude direction) of the heightmap, in samples. * @param {Number} [options.childTileMask=15] A bit mask indicating which of this tile's four children exist. * If a child's bit is set, geometry will be requested for that tile as well when it * is needed. If the bit is cleared, the child tile is not requested and geometry is * instead upsampled from the parent. The bit values are as follows: * <table> * <tr><th>Bit Position</th><th>Bit Value</th><th>Child Tile</th></tr> * <tr><td>0</td><td>1</td><td>Southwest</td></tr> * <tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>Southeast</td></tr> * <tr><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>Northwest</td></tr> * <tr><td>3</td><td>8</td><td>Northeast</td></tr> * </table> * @param {Uint8Array} [options.waterMask] The water mask included in this terrain data, if any. A water mask is a square * Uint8Array or image where a value of 255 indicates water and a value of 0 indicates land. * Values in between 0 and 255 are allowed as well to smoothly blend between land and water. * @param {Object} [options.structure] An object describing the structure of the height data. * @param {Number} [options.structure.heightScale=1.0] The factor by which to multiply height samples in order to obtain * the height above the heightOffset, in meters. The heightOffset is added to the resulting * height after multiplying by the scale. * @param {Number} [options.structure.heightOffset=0.0] The offset to add to the scaled height to obtain the final * height in meters. The offset is added after the height sample is multiplied by the * heightScale. * @param {Number} [options.structure.elementsPerHeight=1] The number of elements in the buffer that make up a single height * sample. This is usually 1, indicating that each element is a separate height sample. If * it is greater than 1, that number of elements together form the height sample, which is * computed according to the structure.elementMultiplier and structure.isBigEndian properties. * @param {Number} [options.structure.stride=1] The number of elements to skip to get from the first element of * one height to the first element of the next height. * @param {Number} [options.structure.elementMultiplier=256.0] The multiplier used to compute the height value when the * stride property is greater than 1. For example, if the stride is 4 and the strideMultiplier * is 256, the height is computed as follows: * `height = buffer[index] + buffer[index + 1] * 256 + buffer[index + 2] * 256 * 256 + buffer[index + 3] * 256 * 256 * 256` * This is assuming that the isBigEndian property is false. If it is true, the order of the * elements is reversed. * @param {Boolean} [options.structure.isBigEndian=false] Indicates endianness of the elements in the buffer when the * stride property is greater than 1. If this property is false, the first element is the * low-order element. If it is true, the first element is the high-order element. * @param {Number} [options.structure.lowestEncodedHeight] The lowest value that can be stored in the height buffer. Any heights that are lower * than this value after encoding with the `heightScale` and `heightOffset` are clamped to this value. For example, if the height * buffer is a `Uint16Array`, this value should be 0 because a `Uint16Array` cannot store negative numbers. If this parameter is * not specified, no minimum value is enforced. * @param {Number} [options.structure.highestEncodedHeight] The highest value that can be stored in the height buffer. Any heights that are higher * than this value after encoding with the `heightScale` and `heightOffset` are clamped to this value. For example, if the height * buffer is a `Uint16Array`, this value should be `256 * 256 - 1` or 65535 because a `Uint16Array` cannot store numbers larger * than 65535. If this parameter is not specified, no maximum value is enforced. * @param {HeightmapEncoding} [options.encoding=HeightmapEncoding.NONE] The encoding that is used on the buffer. * @param {Boolean} [options.createdByUpsampling=false] True if this instance was created by upsampling another instance; * otherwise, false. * * * @example * var buffer = ... * var heightBuffer = new Uint16Array(buffer, 0, that._heightmapWidth * that._heightmapWidth); * var childTileMask = new Uint8Array(buffer, heightBuffer.byteLength, 1)[0]; * var waterMask = new Uint8Array(buffer, heightBuffer.byteLength + 1, buffer.byteLength - heightBuffer.byteLength - 1); * var terrainData = new Cesium.HeightmapTerrainData({ * buffer : heightBuffer, * width : 65, * height : 65, * childTileMask : childTileMask, * waterMask : waterMask * }); * * @see TerrainData * @see QuantizedMeshTerrainData * @see GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainData */ function HeightmapTerrainData(options) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(options) || !defined(options.buffer)) { throw new DeveloperError("options.buffer is required."); } if (!defined(options.width)) { throw new DeveloperError("options.width is required."); } if (!defined(options.height)) { throw new DeveloperError("options.height is required."); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); this._buffer = options.buffer; this._width = options.width; this._height = options.height; this._childTileMask = defaultValue(options.childTileMask, 15); this._encoding = defaultValue(options.encoding, HeightmapEncoding.NONE); var defaultStructure = HeightmapTessellator.DEFAULT_STRUCTURE; var structure = options.structure; if (!defined(structure)) { structure = defaultStructure; } else if (structure !== defaultStructure) { structure.heightScale = defaultValue( structure.heightScale, defaultStructure.heightScale ); structure.heightOffset = defaultValue( structure.heightOffset, defaultStructure.heightOffset ); structure.elementsPerHeight = defaultValue( structure.elementsPerHeight, defaultStructure.elementsPerHeight ); structure.stride = defaultValue(structure.stride, defaultStructure.stride); structure.elementMultiplier = defaultValue( structure.elementMultiplier, defaultStructure.elementMultiplier ); structure.isBigEndian = defaultValue( structure.isBigEndian, defaultStructure.isBigEndian ); } this._structure = structure; this._createdByUpsampling = defaultValue(options.createdByUpsampling, false); this._waterMask = options.waterMask; this._skirtHeight = undefined; this._bufferType = this._encoding === HeightmapEncoding.LERC ? Float32Array : this._buffer.constructor; this._mesh = undefined; } Object.defineProperties(HeightmapTerrainData.prototype, { /** * An array of credits for this tile. * @memberof HeightmapTerrainData.prototype * @type {Credit[]} */ credits: { get: function () { return undefined; }, }, /** * The water mask included in this terrain data, if any. A water mask is a square * Uint8Array or image where a value of 255 indicates water and a value of 0 indicates land. * Values in between 0 and 255 are allowed as well to smoothly blend between land and water. * @memberof HeightmapTerrainData.prototype * @type {Uint8Array|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement} */ waterMask: { get: function () { return this._waterMask; }, }, childTileMask: { get: function () { return this._childTileMask; }, }, }); var createMeshTaskName = "createVerticesFromHeightmap"; var createMeshTaskProcessorNoThrottle = new TaskProcessor(createMeshTaskName); var createMeshTaskProcessorThrottle = new TaskProcessor( createMeshTaskName, TerrainData.maximumAsynchronousTasks ); /** * Creates a {@link TerrainMesh} from this terrain data. * * @private * * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties: * @param {TilingScheme} options.tilingScheme The tiling scheme to which this tile belongs. * @param {Number} options.x The X coordinate of the tile for which to create the terrain data. * @param {Number} options.y The Y coordinate of the tile for which to create the terrain data. * @param {Number} options.level The level of the tile for which to create the terrain data. * @param {Number} [options.exaggeration=1.0] The scale used to exaggerate the terrain. * @param {Number} [options.exaggerationRelativeHeight=0.0] The height relative to which terrain is exaggerated. * @param {Boolean} [options.throttle=true] If true, indicates that this operation will need to be retried if too many asynchronous mesh creations are already in progress. * @returns {Promise.<TerrainMesh>|undefined} A promise for the terrain mesh, or undefined if too many * asynchronous mesh creations are already in progress and the operation should * be retried later. */ HeightmapTerrainData.prototype.createMesh = function (options) { options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT); //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); Check.typeOf.object("options.tilingScheme", options.tilingScheme); Check.typeOf.number("options.x", options.x); Check.typeOf.number("options.y", options.y); Check.typeOf.number("options.level", options.level); //>>includeEnd('debug'); var tilingScheme = options.tilingScheme; var x = options.x; var y = options.y; var level = options.level; var exaggeration = defaultValue(options.exaggeration, 1.0); var exaggerationRelativeHeight = defaultValue( options.exaggerationRelativeHeight, 0.0 ); var throttle = defaultValue(options.throttle, true); var ellipsoid = tilingScheme.ellipsoid; var nativeRectangle = tilingScheme.tileXYToNativeRectangle(x, y, level); var rectangle = tilingScheme.tileXYToRectangle(x, y, level); // Compute the center of the tile for RTC rendering. var center = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(; var structure = this._structure; var levelZeroMaxError = TerrainProvider.getEstimatedLevelZeroGeometricErrorForAHeightmap( ellipsoid, this._width, tilingScheme.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(0) ); var thisLevelMaxError = levelZeroMaxError / (1 << level); this._skirtHeight = Math.min(thisLevelMaxError * 4.0, 1000.0); var createMeshTaskProcessor = throttle ? createMeshTaskProcessorThrottle : createMeshTaskProcessorNoThrottle; var verticesPromise = createMeshTaskProcessor.scheduleTask({ heightmap: this._buffer, structure: structure, includeWebMercatorT: true, width: this._width, height: this._height, nativeRectangle: nativeRectangle, rectangle: rectangle, relativeToCenter: center, ellipsoid: ellipsoid, skirtHeight: this._skirtHeight, isGeographic: tilingScheme.projection instanceof GeographicProjection, exaggeration: exaggeration, exaggerationRelativeHeight: exaggerationRelativeHeight, encoding: this._encoding, }); if (!defined(verticesPromise)) { // Postponed return undefined; } var that = this; return when(verticesPromise, function (result) { var indicesAndEdges; if (that._skirtHeight > 0.0) { indicesAndEdges = TerrainProvider.getRegularGridAndSkirtIndicesAndEdgeIndices( result.gridWidth, result.gridHeight ); } else { indicesAndEdges = TerrainProvider.getRegularGridIndicesAndEdgeIndices( result.gridWidth, result.gridHeight ); } var vertexCountWithoutSkirts = result.gridWidth * result.gridHeight; // Clone complex result objects because the transfer from the web worker // has stripped them down to JSON-style objects. that._mesh = new TerrainMesh( center, new Float32Array(result.vertices), indicesAndEdges.indices, indicesAndEdges.indexCountWithoutSkirts, vertexCountWithoutSkirts, result.minimumHeight, result.maximumHeight, BoundingSphere.clone(result.boundingSphere3D), Cartesian3.clone(result.occludeePointInScaledSpace), result.numberOfAttributes, OrientedBoundingBox.clone(result.orientedBoundingBox), TerrainEncoding.clone(result.encoding), indicesAndEdges.westIndicesSouthToNorth, indicesAndEdges.southIndicesEastToWest, indicesAndEdges.eastIndicesNorthToSouth, indicesAndEdges.northIndicesWestToEast ); // Free memory received from server after mesh is created. that._buffer = undefined; return that._mesh; }); }; /** * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties: * @param {TilingScheme} options.tilingScheme The tiling scheme to which this tile belongs. * @param {Number} options.x The X coordinate of the tile for which to create the terrain data. * @param {Number} options.y The Y coordinate of the tile for which to create the terrain data. * @param {Number} options.level The level of the tile for which to create the terrain data. * @param {Number} [options.exaggeration=1.0] The scale used to exaggerate the terrain. * @param {Number} [options.exaggerationRelativeHeight=0.0] The height relative to which terrain is exaggerated. * * @private */ HeightmapTerrainData.prototype._createMeshSync = function (options) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); Check.typeOf.object("options.tilingScheme", options.tilingScheme); Check.typeOf.number("options.x", options.x); Check.typeOf.number("options.y", options.y); Check.typeOf.number("options.level", options.level); //>>includeEnd('debug'); var tilingScheme = options.tilingScheme; var x = options.x; var y = options.y; var level = options.level; var exaggeration = defaultValue(options.exaggeration, 1.0); var exaggerationRelativeHeight = defaultValue( options.exaggerationRelativeHeight, 0.0 ); var ellipsoid = tilingScheme.ellipsoid; var nativeRectangle = tilingScheme.tileXYToNativeRectangle(x, y, level); var rectangle = tilingScheme.tileXYToRectangle(x, y, level); // Compute the center of the tile for RTC rendering. var center = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(; var structure = this._structure; var levelZeroMaxError = TerrainProvider.getEstimatedLevelZeroGeometricErrorForAHeightmap( ellipsoid, this._width, tilingScheme.getNumberOfXTilesAtLevel(0) ); var thisLevelMaxError = levelZeroMaxError / (1 << level); this._skirtHeight = Math.min(thisLevelMaxError * 4.0, 1000.0); var result = HeightmapTessellator.computeVertices({ heightmap: this._buffer, structure: structure, includeWebMercatorT: true, width: this._width, height: this._height, nativeRectangle: nativeRectangle, rectangle: rectangle, relativeToCenter: center, ellipsoid: ellipsoid, skirtHeight: this._skirtHeight, isGeographic: tilingScheme.projection instanceof GeographicProjection, exaggeration: exaggeration, exaggerationRelativeHeight: exaggerationRelativeHeight, }); // Free memory received from server after mesh is created. this._buffer = undefined; var indicesAndEdges; if (this._skirtHeight > 0.0) { indicesAndEdges = TerrainProvider.getRegularGridAndSkirtIndicesAndEdgeIndices( this._width, this._height ); } else { indicesAndEdges = TerrainProvider.getRegularGridIndicesAndEdgeIndices( this._width, this._height ); } var vertexCountWithoutSkirts = result.gridWidth * result.gridHeight; // No need to clone here (as we do in the async version) because the result // is not coming from a web worker. this._mesh = new TerrainMesh( center, result.vertices, indicesAndEdges.indices, indicesAndEdges.indexCountWithoutSkirts, vertexCountWithoutSkirts, result.minimumHeight, result.maximumHeight, result.boundingSphere3D, result.occludeePointInScaledSpace, result.encoding.stride, result.orientedBoundingBox, result.encoding, indicesAndEdges.westIndicesSouthToNorth, indicesAndEdges.southIndicesEastToWest, indicesAndEdges.eastIndicesNorthToSouth, indicesAndEdges.northIndicesWestToEast ); return this._mesh; }; /** * Computes the terrain height at a specified longitude and latitude. * * @param {Rectangle} rectangle The rectangle covered by this terrain data. * @param {Number} longitude The longitude in radians. * @param {Number} latitude The latitude in radians. * @returns {Number} The terrain height at the specified position. If the position * is outside the rectangle, this method will extrapolate the height, which is likely to be wildly * incorrect for positions far outside the rectangle. */ HeightmapTerrainData.prototype.interpolateHeight = function ( rectangle, longitude, latitude ) { var width = this._width; var height = this._height; var structure = this._structure; var stride = structure.stride; var elementsPerHeight = structure.elementsPerHeight; var elementMultiplier = structure.elementMultiplier; var isBigEndian = structure.isBigEndian; var heightOffset = structure.heightOffset; var heightScale = structure.heightScale; var isMeshCreated = defined(this._mesh); var isLERCEncoding = this._encoding === HeightmapEncoding.LERC; var isInterpolationImpossible = !isMeshCreated && isLERCEncoding; if (isInterpolationImpossible) { // We can't interpolate using the buffer because it's LERC encoded // so please call createMesh() first and interpolate using the mesh; // as mesh creation will decode the LERC buffer return undefined; } var heightSample; if (isMeshCreated) { var buffer = this._mesh.vertices; var encoding = this._mesh.encoding; heightSample = interpolateMeshHeight( buffer, encoding, heightOffset, heightScale, rectangle, width, height, longitude, latitude ); } else { heightSample = interpolateHeight( this._buffer, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, stride, isBigEndian, rectangle, width, height, longitude, latitude ); heightSample = heightSample * heightScale + heightOffset; } return heightSample; }; /** * Upsamples this terrain data for use by a descendant tile. The resulting instance will contain a subset of the * height samples in this instance, interpolated if necessary. * * @param {TilingScheme} tilingScheme The tiling scheme of this terrain data. * @param {Number} thisX The X coordinate of this tile in the tiling scheme. * @param {Number} thisY The Y coordinate of this tile in the tiling scheme. * @param {Number} thisLevel The level of this tile in the tiling scheme. * @param {Number} descendantX The X coordinate within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling. * @param {Number} descendantY The Y coordinate within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling. * @param {Number} descendantLevel The level within the tiling scheme of the descendant tile for which we are upsampling. * @returns {Promise.<HeightmapTerrainData>|undefined} A promise for upsampled heightmap terrain data for the descendant tile, * or undefined if too many asynchronous upsample operations are in progress and the request has been * deferred. */ HeightmapTerrainData.prototype.upsample = function ( tilingScheme, thisX, thisY, thisLevel, descendantX, descendantY, descendantLevel ) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(tilingScheme)) { throw new DeveloperError("tilingScheme is required."); } if (!defined(thisX)) { throw new DeveloperError("thisX is required."); } if (!defined(thisY)) { throw new DeveloperError("thisY is required."); } if (!defined(thisLevel)) { throw new DeveloperError("thisLevel is required."); } if (!defined(descendantX)) { throw new DeveloperError("descendantX is required."); } if (!defined(descendantY)) { throw new DeveloperError("descendantY is required."); } if (!defined(descendantLevel)) { throw new DeveloperError("descendantLevel is required."); } var levelDifference = descendantLevel - thisLevel; if (levelDifference > 1) { throw new DeveloperError( "Upsampling through more than one level at a time is not currently supported." ); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); var meshData = this._mesh; if (!defined(meshData)) { return undefined; } var width = this._width; var height = this._height; var structure = this._structure; var stride = structure.stride; var heights = new this._bufferType(width * height * stride); var buffer = meshData.vertices; var encoding = meshData.encoding; // PERFORMANCE_IDEA: don't recompute these rectangles - the caller already knows them. var sourceRectangle = tilingScheme.tileXYToRectangle(thisX, thisY, thisLevel); var destinationRectangle = tilingScheme.tileXYToRectangle( descendantX, descendantY, descendantLevel ); var heightOffset = structure.heightOffset; var heightScale = structure.heightScale; var elementsPerHeight = structure.elementsPerHeight; var elementMultiplier = structure.elementMultiplier; var isBigEndian = structure.isBigEndian; var divisor = Math.pow(elementMultiplier, elementsPerHeight - 1); for (var j = 0; j < height; ++j) { var latitude = CesiumMath.lerp( destinationRectangle.north, destinationRectangle.south, j / (height - 1) ); for (var i = 0; i < width; ++i) { var longitude = CesiumMath.lerp( destinationRectangle.west, destinationRectangle.east, i / (width - 1) ); var heightSample = interpolateMeshHeight( buffer, encoding, heightOffset, heightScale, sourceRectangle, width, height, longitude, latitude ); // Use conditionals here instead of Math.min and Math.max so that an undefined // lowestEncodedHeight or highestEncodedHeight has no effect. heightSample = heightSample < structure.lowestEncodedHeight ? structure.lowestEncodedHeight : heightSample; heightSample = heightSample > structure.highestEncodedHeight ? structure.highestEncodedHeight : heightSample; setHeight( heights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, divisor, stride, isBigEndian, j * width + i, heightSample ); } } return new HeightmapTerrainData({ buffer: heights, width: width, height: height, childTileMask: 0, structure: this._structure, createdByUpsampling: true, }); }; /** * Determines if a given child tile is available, based on the * {@link HeightmapTerrainData.childTileMask}. The given child tile coordinates are assumed * to be one of the four children of this tile. If non-child tile coordinates are * given, the availability of the southeast child tile is returned. * * @param {Number} thisX The tile X coordinate of this (the parent) tile. * @param {Number} thisY The tile Y coordinate of this (the parent) tile. * @param {Number} childX The tile X coordinate of the child tile to check for availability. * @param {Number} childY The tile Y coordinate of the child tile to check for availability. * @returns {Boolean} True if the child tile is available; otherwise, false. */ HeightmapTerrainData.prototype.isChildAvailable = function ( thisX, thisY, childX, childY ) { //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if (!defined(thisX)) { throw new DeveloperError("thisX is required."); } if (!defined(thisY)) { throw new DeveloperError("thisY is required."); } if (!defined(childX)) { throw new DeveloperError("childX is required."); } if (!defined(childY)) { throw new DeveloperError("childY is required."); } //>>includeEnd('debug'); var bitNumber = 2; // northwest child if (childX !== thisX * 2) { ++bitNumber; // east child } if (childY !== thisY * 2) { bitNumber -= 2; // south child } return (this._childTileMask & (1 << bitNumber)) !== 0; }; /** * Gets a value indicating whether or not this terrain data was created by upsampling lower resolution * terrain data. If this value is false, the data was obtained from some other source, such * as by downloading it from a remote server. This method should return true for instances * returned from a call to {@link HeightmapTerrainData#upsample}. * * @returns {Boolean} True if this instance was created by upsampling; otherwise, false. */ HeightmapTerrainData.prototype.wasCreatedByUpsampling = function () { return this._createdByUpsampling; }; function interpolateHeight( sourceHeights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, stride, isBigEndian, sourceRectangle, width, height, longitude, latitude ) { var fromWest = ((longitude - sourceRectangle.west) * (width - 1)) / (sourceRectangle.east - sourceRectangle.west); var fromSouth = ((latitude - sourceRectangle.south) * (height - 1)) / (sourceRectangle.north - sourceRectangle.south); var westInteger = fromWest | 0; var eastInteger = westInteger + 1; if (eastInteger >= width) { eastInteger = width - 1; westInteger = width - 2; } var southInteger = fromSouth | 0; var northInteger = southInteger + 1; if (northInteger >= height) { northInteger = height - 1; southInteger = height - 2; } var dx = fromWest - westInteger; var dy = fromSouth - southInteger; southInteger = height - 1 - southInteger; northInteger = height - 1 - northInteger; var southwestHeight = getHeight( sourceHeights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, stride, isBigEndian, southInteger * width + westInteger ); var southeastHeight = getHeight( sourceHeights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, stride, isBigEndian, southInteger * width + eastInteger ); var northwestHeight = getHeight( sourceHeights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, stride, isBigEndian, northInteger * width + westInteger ); var northeastHeight = getHeight( sourceHeights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, stride, isBigEndian, northInteger * width + eastInteger ); return triangleInterpolateHeight( dx, dy, southwestHeight, southeastHeight, northwestHeight, northeastHeight ); } function interpolateMeshHeight( buffer, encoding, heightOffset, heightScale, sourceRectangle, width, height, longitude, latitude ) { // returns a height encoded according to the structure's heightScale and heightOffset. var fromWest = ((longitude - sourceRectangle.west) * (width - 1)) / (sourceRectangle.east - sourceRectangle.west); var fromSouth = ((latitude - sourceRectangle.south) * (height - 1)) / (sourceRectangle.north - sourceRectangle.south); var westInteger = fromWest | 0; var eastInteger = westInteger + 1; if (eastInteger >= width) { eastInteger = width - 1; westInteger = width - 2; } var southInteger = fromSouth | 0; var northInteger = southInteger + 1; if (northInteger >= height) { northInteger = height - 1; southInteger = height - 2; } var dx = fromWest - westInteger; var dy = fromSouth - southInteger; southInteger = height - 1 - southInteger; northInteger = height - 1 - northInteger; var southwestHeight = (encoding.decodeHeight(buffer, southInteger * width + westInteger) - heightOffset) / heightScale; var southeastHeight = (encoding.decodeHeight(buffer, southInteger * width + eastInteger) - heightOffset) / heightScale; var northwestHeight = (encoding.decodeHeight(buffer, northInteger * width + westInteger) - heightOffset) / heightScale; var northeastHeight = (encoding.decodeHeight(buffer, northInteger * width + eastInteger) - heightOffset) / heightScale; return triangleInterpolateHeight( dx, dy, southwestHeight, southeastHeight, northwestHeight, northeastHeight ); } function triangleInterpolateHeight( dX, dY, southwestHeight, southeastHeight, northwestHeight, northeastHeight ) { // The HeightmapTessellator bisects the quad from southwest to northeast. if (dY < dX) { // Lower right triangle return ( southwestHeight + dX * (southeastHeight - southwestHeight) + dY * (northeastHeight - southeastHeight) ); } // Upper left triangle return ( southwestHeight + dX * (northeastHeight - northwestHeight) + dY * (northwestHeight - southwestHeight) ); } function getHeight( heights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, stride, isBigEndian, index ) { index *= stride; var height = 0; var i; if (isBigEndian) { for (i = 0; i < elementsPerHeight; ++i) { height = height * elementMultiplier + heights[index + i]; } } else { for (i = elementsPerHeight - 1; i >= 0; --i) { height = height * elementMultiplier + heights[index + i]; } } return height; } function setHeight( heights, elementsPerHeight, elementMultiplier, divisor, stride, isBigEndian, index, height ) { index *= stride; var i; if (isBigEndian) { for (i = 0; i < elementsPerHeight - 1; ++i) { heights[index + i] = (height / divisor) | 0; height -= heights[index + i] * divisor; divisor /= elementMultiplier; } } else { for (i = elementsPerHeight - 1; i > 0; --i) { heights[index + i] = (height / divisor) | 0; height -= heights[index + i] * divisor; divisor /= elementMultiplier; } } heights[index + i] = height; } export default HeightmapTerrainData;