import Color from "../Core/Color.js";
import combine from "../Core/combine.js";
import defaultValue from "../Core/defaultValue.js";
import defined from "../Core/defined.js";
import destroyObject from "../Core/destroyObject.js";
import DeveloperError from "../Core/DeveloperError.js";
import CesiumMath from "../Core/Math.js";
import Pass from "../Renderer/Pass.js";
import Cesium3DTileBatchTable from "./Cesium3DTileBatchTable.js";
import Cesium3DTileFeature from "./Cesium3DTileFeature.js";
import Cesium3DTileRefine from "./Cesium3DTileRefine.js";
import PointCloud from "./PointCloud.js";
import PointCloudShading from "./PointCloudShading.js";
import SceneMode from "./SceneMode.js";

 * Represents the contents of a
 * {@link|Point Cloud}
 * tile in a {@link|3D Tiles} tileset.
 * <p>
 * Implements the {@link Cesium3DTileContent} interface.
 * </p>
 * @alias PointCloud3DTileContent
 * @constructor
 * @private
function PointCloud3DTileContent(
) {
  this._tileset = tileset;
  this._tile = tile;
  this._resource = resource;
  this._pickId = undefined; // Only defined when batchTable is undefined
  this._batchTable = undefined; // Used when feature table contains BATCH_ID semantic
  this._styleDirty = false;
  this._features = undefined;
  this.featurePropertiesDirty = false;
  this._groupMetadata = undefined;

  this._pointCloud = new PointCloud({
    arrayBuffer: arrayBuffer,
    byteOffset: byteOffset,
    cull: false,
    opaquePass: Pass.CESIUM_3D_TILE,
    vertexShaderLoaded: getVertexShaderLoaded(this),
    fragmentShaderLoaded: getFragmentShaderLoaded(this),
    uniformMapLoaded: getUniformMapLoaded(this),
    batchTableLoaded: getBatchTableLoaded(this),
    pickIdLoaded: getPickIdLoaded(this),

Object.defineProperties(PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype, {
  featuresLength: {
    get: function () {
      if (defined(this._batchTable)) {
        return this._batchTable.featuresLength;
      return 0;

  pointsLength: {
    get: function () {
      return this._pointCloud.pointsLength;

  trianglesLength: {
    get: function () {
      return 0;

  geometryByteLength: {
    get: function () {
      return this._pointCloud.geometryByteLength;

  texturesByteLength: {
    get: function () {
      return 0;

  batchTableByteLength: {
    get: function () {
      if (defined(this._batchTable)) {
        return this._batchTable.memorySizeInBytes;
      return 0;

  innerContents: {
    get: function () {
      return undefined;

  readyPromise: {
    get: function () {
      return this._pointCloud.readyPromise;

  tileset: {
    get: function () {
      return this._tileset;

  tile: {
    get: function () {
      return this._tile;

  url: {
    get: function () {
      return this._resource.getUrlComponent(true);

  batchTable: {
    get: function () {
      return this._batchTable;

  groupMetadata: {
    get: function () {
      return this._groupMetadata;
    set: function (value) {
      this._groupMetadata = value;

function getVertexShaderLoaded(content) {
  return function (vs) {
    if (defined(content._batchTable)) {
      return content._batchTable.getVertexShaderCallback(
    return vs;

function getFragmentShaderLoaded(content) {
  return function (fs) {
    if (defined(content._batchTable)) {
      return content._batchTable.getFragmentShaderCallback(
    return "uniform vec4 czm_pickColor;\n" + fs;

function getUniformMapLoaded(content) {
  return function (uniformMap) {
    if (defined(content._batchTable)) {
      return content._batchTable.getUniformMapCallback()(uniformMap);
    return combine(uniformMap, {
      czm_pickColor: function () {
        return content._pickId.color;

function getBatchTableLoaded(content) {
  return function (batchLength, batchTableJson, batchTableBinary) {
    content._batchTable = new Cesium3DTileBatchTable(

function getPickIdLoaded(content) {
  return function () {
    return defined(content._batchTable)
      ? content._batchTable.getPickId()
      : "czm_pickColor";

function getGeometricError(content) {
  var pointCloudShading = content._tileset.pointCloudShading;
  var sphereVolume = content._tile.contentBoundingVolume.boundingSphere.volume();
  var baseResolutionApproximation = CesiumMath.cbrt(
    sphereVolume / content.pointsLength

  var geometricError = content._tile.geometricError;
  if (geometricError === 0) {
    if (
      defined(pointCloudShading) &&
    ) {
      geometricError = pointCloudShading.baseResolution;
    } else {
      geometricError = baseResolutionApproximation;
  return geometricError;

function createFeatures(content) {
  var featuresLength = content.featuresLength;
  if (!defined(content._features) && featuresLength > 0) {
    var features = new Array(featuresLength);
    for (var i = 0; i < featuresLength; ++i) {
      features[i] = new Cesium3DTileFeature(content, i);
    content._features = features;

PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype.hasProperty = function (batchId, name) {
  if (defined(this._batchTable)) {
    return this._batchTable.hasProperty(batchId, name);
  return false;

 * Part of the {@link Cesium3DTileContent} interface.
 * In this context a feature refers to a group of points that share the same BATCH_ID.
 * For example all the points that represent a door in a house point cloud would be a feature.
 * Features are backed by a batch table and can be colored, shown/hidden, picked, etc like features
 * in b3dm and i3dm.
 * When the BATCH_ID semantic is omitted and the point cloud stores per-point properties, they
 * are not accessible by getFeature. They are only used for dynamic styling.
PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype.getFeature = function (batchId) {
  if (!defined(this._batchTable)) {
    return undefined;
  var featuresLength = this.featuresLength;
  //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
  if (!defined(batchId) || batchId < 0 || batchId >= featuresLength) {
    throw new DeveloperError(
      "batchId is required and between zero and featuresLength - 1 (" +
        (featuresLength - 1) +
  return this._features[batchId];

PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype.applyDebugSettings = function (
) {
  this._pointCloud.color = enabled ? color : Color.WHITE;

PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype.applyStyle = function (style) {
  if (defined(this._batchTable)) {
  } else {
    this._styleDirty = true;

var defaultShading = new PointCloudShading();

PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype.update = function (tileset, frameState) {
  var pointCloud = this._pointCloud;
  var pointCloudShading = defaultValue(
  var tile = this._tile;
  var batchTable = this._batchTable;
  var mode = frameState.mode;
  var clippingPlanes = tileset.clippingPlanes;

  if (!defined(this._pickId) && !defined(batchTable)) {
    this._pickId = frameState.context.createPickId({
      primitive: tileset,
      content: this,

  if (defined(batchTable)) {
    batchTable.update(tileset, frameState);

  var boundingSphere;
  if (defined(tile._contentBoundingVolume)) {
    boundingSphere =
      mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D
        ? tile._contentBoundingVolume.boundingSphere
        : tile._contentBoundingVolume2D.boundingSphere;
  } else {
    boundingSphere =
      mode === SceneMode.SCENE3D
        ? tile._boundingVolume.boundingSphere
        : tile._boundingVolume2D.boundingSphere;

  var styleDirty = this._styleDirty;
  this._styleDirty = false;

  pointCloud.clippingPlanesOriginMatrix = tileset.clippingPlanesOriginMatrix; = defined(batchTable) ? undefined :;
  pointCloud.styleDirty = styleDirty;
  pointCloud.modelMatrix = tile.computedTransform;
  pointCloud.time = tileset.timeSinceLoad;
  pointCloud.shadows = tileset.shadows;
  pointCloud.boundingSphere = boundingSphere;
  pointCloud.clippingPlanes = clippingPlanes;
  pointCloud.isClipped =
    defined(clippingPlanes) && clippingPlanes.enabled && tile._isClipped;
  pointCloud.clippingPlanesDirty = tile.clippingPlanesDirty;
  pointCloud.attenuation = pointCloudShading.attenuation;
  pointCloud.backFaceCulling = pointCloudShading.backFaceCulling;
  pointCloud.normalShading = pointCloudShading.normalShading;
  pointCloud.geometricError = getGeometricError(this);
  pointCloud.geometricErrorScale = pointCloudShading.geometricErrorScale;
  if (
    defined(pointCloudShading) &&
  ) {
    pointCloud.maximumAttenuation = pointCloudShading.maximumAttenuation;
  } else if (tile.refine === Cesium3DTileRefine.ADD) {
    pointCloud.maximumAttenuation = 5.0;
  } else {
    pointCloud.maximumAttenuation = tileset.maximumScreenSpaceError;


PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype.isDestroyed = function () {
  return false;

PointCloud3DTileContent.prototype.destroy = function () {
  this._pickId = this._pickId && this._pickId.destroy();
  this._pointCloud = this._pointCloud && this._pointCloud.destroy();
  this._batchTable = this._batchTable && this._batchTable.destroy();
  return destroyObject(this);
export default PointCloud3DTileContent;