<?xml version="1.0"?> <package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd"> <metadata> <id>jQuery.RateIt</id> <version>1.1.1</version> <title>jQuery.RateIt</title> <authors>Gidon Junge</authors> <owners>Gidon Junge</owners> <iconUrl>http://gjunge.github.io/rateit.js/assets/icon-nuget.png</iconUrl> <licenseUrl>https://github.com/gjunge/rateit.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md</licenseUrl> <projectUrl>https://github.com/gjunge/rateit.js</projectUrl> <requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance> <description>A rating plugin for jQuery. Features: fast, progressive enhancement, touch support, customizable (just swap out the images, or change some CSS), unobtrusive javaScript (using HTML5 data-* attributes), RTL support, ARIA and Keyboard support (*new). Use as many stars as you'd like, and also any step size. Check out the examples link on the project page for implementation and examples.</description> <summary>A rating plugin for jQuery.</summary> <releaseNotes> ==== CHANGE LOG ==== 1.1.1 Fix looks of icon font reset button. 1.1.0 Feature: finally arrived - support for icon fonts! Now your RateIt controls can be any size you want! 1.0.25 Feature: ability to set value source of SELECT backing field. Either by value (option[value], how it currently works), or by index (selectedIndex, new). Thanks to @maurojs10. Project: Added gulp task for minifying and sourcemapping. 1.0.23 Move to GitHub. 1.0.22 Bug fix: #1859 RateIt Stars disappear when clicking into another form field and pressing return 1.0.21 Bug fix: #1828 Progressive enhancement (using select) displays incorrect amount of stars Bug fix: #1829 Use UNIX-style (LF-only) line endings 1.0.20 Bug fix: #1817 Trigger change event on backingfield. 1.0.19 Feature: #1801 Added cancellable beforereset and beforerated events. Misc: added example showcasing use of SVG instead of GIF image. 1.0.18 Bug fix: #1747 Continuation... 1.0.17 Bug fix: #1747 Initialization fail with data-rateit-value=0 1.0.16 Bug fix: #1741 Using arrow keys after a rating changes rating. 1.0.15 Bug fix: #1728 Compatibility with jQuery mobile 1.0.14 Feature: #1712 Added a programmatic reset method which reverts to initial settings. Bug fix: #1711 On changing starheight/width some artifacts show up. (Thanks to JoeyBradshaw) 1.0.13 Bug fix: #1648 Removed console.log 1.0.12 Feature: ARIA support. Added basic ARIA support including keyboard navigation. Feature: Suggestion: use span instead of div. Bug fix: #1639 Firefox showing too many stars</releaseNotes> <copyright>https://github.com/gjunge/rateit.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md</copyright> <language>en-US</language> <tags>rating, jquery, unobtrusive, progressive enhancement, rateit</tags> <dependencies> <dependency id="jQuery" version="1.6.2" /> </dependencies> </metadata> <files> <file src="scripts\delete.gif" target="content\content\delete.gif" /> <file src="scripts\rateit.css" target="content\content\rateit.css" /> <file src="scripts\star.gif" target="content\content\star.gif" /> <file src="scripts\jquery.rateit.js" target="content\scripts\jquery.rateit.js" /> <file src="scripts\jquery.rateit.min.js" target="content\scripts\jquery.rateit.min.js" /> <file src="scripts\jquery.rateit.min.js.map" target="content\scripts\jquery.rateit.min.js.map" /> </files> </package>