/** Image editable input. **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Image = function (options) { this.init('image', options, Image.defaults); if('on_error' in options.image) { this.on_error = options.image['on_error']; delete options.image['on_error'] } if('on_success' in options.image) { this.on_success = options.image['on_success']; delete options.image['on_success'] } if('max_size' in options.image) { this.max_size = options.image['max_size']; delete options.image['max_size'] } this.initImage(options, Image.defaults); }; //inherit from Abstract input $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Image, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Image.prototype, { initImage: function(options, defaults) { this.options.image = $.extend({}, defaults.image, options.image); this.name = this.options.image.name || 'editable-image-input'; }, /** Renders input from tpl @method render() **/ render: function() { var self = this; this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input[type=hidden]:eq(0)'); this.$file = this.$tpl.find('input[type=file]:eq(0)'); this.$file.attr({'name':this.name}); this.$input.attr({'name':this.name+'-hidden'}); this.options.image.allowExt = this.options.image.allowExt || ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif']; this.options.image.allowMime = this.options.image.allowMime || ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif']; this.options.image.maxSize = self.max_size || this.options.image.maxSize || false; this.options.image.before_remove = this.options.image.before_remove || function() { self.$input.val(null); return true; } this.$file.ace_file_input(this.options.image).on('change', function(){ var $rand = (self.$file.val() || self.$file.data('ace_input_files')) ? Math.random() + "" + (new Date()).getTime() : null; self.$input.val($rand)//set a random value, so that selected file is uploaded each time, even if it's the same file, because inline editable plugin does not update if the value is not changed! }).closest('.ace-file-input').css({'width':'150px'}).closest('.editable-input').addClass('editable-image'); this.$file .off('file.error.ace') .on('file.error.ace', function(e, info) { if( !self.on_error ) return; if( info.error_count['ext'] > 0 || info.error_count['mime'] > 0 ) { //wrong ext or mime? self.on_error(1); } else if( info.error_count['size'] > 0 ) { //wrong size self.on_error(2); } }); } }); Image.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { tpl: '<span><input type="hidden" /></span><span><input type="file" /></span>', inputclass: '', image: { style: 'well', btn_choose: 'Change Image', btn_change: null, no_icon: 'fa fa-picture-o', thumbnail: 'large' } }); $.fn.editabletypes.image = Image; }(window.jQuery)); //Wysiwyg (function ($) { "use strict"; var Wysiwyg = function (options) { this.init('wysiwyg', options, Wysiwyg.defaults); //extend wysiwyg manually as $.extend not recursive this.options.wysiwyg = $.extend({}, Wysiwyg.defaults.wysiwyg, options.wysiwyg); }; $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Wysiwyg, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Wysiwyg.prototype, { render: function () { this.$editor = this.$input.nextAll('.wysiwyg-editor:eq(0)'); this.$tpl.parent().find('.wysiwyg-editor').show().ace_wysiwyg( { toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', 'underline', null, 'foreColor', null, 'insertImage' ] } ) .prev().addClass('wysiwyg-style2') .closest('.editable-input').addClass('editable-wysiwyg') .closest('.editable-container').css({'display':'block'});//if display is inline-block, putting large images inside the editor will expand it out of bounding box! if(this.options.wysiwyg && this.options.wysiwyg.css) this.$tpl.closest('.editable-wysiwyg').css(this.options.wysiwyg.css); }, value2html: function(value, element) { $(element).html(value); return false; }, html2value: function(html) { return html; }, value2input: function(value) { this.$editor.html(value); }, input2value: function() { return this.$editor.html(); }, activate: function() { //this.$editor.focus().get(0).setSelectionRange(200,200); } }); Wysiwyg.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="hidden" /><div class="wysiwyg-editor"></div>', inputclass: 'editable-wysiwyg', wysiwyg: { } }); $.fn.editabletypes.wysiwyg = Wysiwyg; }(window.jQuery)); /** Spinner editable input. **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Spinner = function (options) { this.init('spinner', options, Spinner.defaults); this.initSpinner(options, Spinner.defaults); this.nativeUI = false; try { var tmp_inp = document.createElement('INPUT'); tmp_inp.type = 'number'; this.nativeUI = tmp_inp.type === 'number' && this.options.spinner.nativeUI === true } catch(e) {} }; //inherit from Abstract input $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Spinner, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Spinner.prototype, { initSpinner: function(options, defaults) { this.options.spinner = $.extend({}, defaults.spinner, options.spinner); }, /** Renders input from tpl @method render() **/ render: function() { }, /** Activates input: sets focus on the first field. @method activate() **/ activate: function() { if(this.$input.is(':visible')) { this.$input.focus(); $.fn.editableutils.setCursorPosition(this.$input.get(0), this.$input.val().length); if(!this.nativeUI) { var val = parseInt(this.$input.val()); var options = $.extend({value:val}, this.options.spinner); this.$input.ace_spinner(options); } else { this.$input.get(0).type = 'number'; var options = ['min', 'max', 'step'] for(var o = 0 ; o < options.length; o++) { if(options[o] in this.options.spinner) this.$input.attr(options[o] , this.options.spinner[options[o]]) } } } }, /** Attaches handler to submit form in case of 'showbuttons=false' mode @method autosubmit() **/ autosubmit: function() { this.$input.keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); } }); Spinner.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="text" />', inputclass: '', spinner:{ min:0, max:100, step:1, icon_up:'fa fa-plus', icon_down:'fa fa-minus', btn_up_class:'btn-success', btn_down_class:'btn-danger' } }); $.fn.editabletypes.spinner = Spinner; }(window.jQuery)); /** Slider editable input. **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Slider = function (options) { this.init('slider', options, Slider.defaults); this.initSlider(options, Slider.defaults); this.nativeUI = false; try { var tmp_inp = document.createElement('INPUT'); tmp_inp.type = 'range'; this.nativeUI = tmp_inp.type === 'range' && this.options.slider.nativeUI === true } catch(e) {} }; //inherit from Abstract input $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Slider, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Slider.prototype, { initSlider: function(options, defaults) { this.options.slider = $.extend({}, defaults.slider, options.slider); }, /** Renders input from tpl @method render() **/ render: function() { }, /** Activates input: sets focus on the first field. @method activate() **/ activate: function() { if(this.$input.is(':visible')) { this.$input.focus(); $.fn.editableutils.setCursorPosition(this.$input.get(0), this.$input.val().length); if(!this.nativeUI) { var self = this; var val = parseInt(this.$input.val()); var width = this.options.slider.width || 200; var options = $.extend(this.options.slider , { value:val, slide: function( event, ui ) { var val = parseInt(ui.value); self.$input.val(val); if(ui.handle.firstChild == null) {//no tooltips attached to it $(ui.handle).prepend("<div class='tooltip top in' style='display:none; top:-38px; left:-5px;'><div class='tooltip-arrow'></div><div class='tooltip-inner'></div></div>"); } $(ui.handle.firstChild).show().children().eq(1).text(val); } }); this.$input.parent().addClass('editable-slider').css('width', width+'px').slider(options); } else { this.$input.get(0).type = 'range'; var options = ['min', 'max', 'step'] for(var o = 0 ; o < options.length; o++) { if(options[o] in this.options.slider) { this.$input[0][options[o]] = this.options.slider[options[o]] } } var width = this.options.slider.width || 200; this.$input.parent().addClass('editable-slider').css('width', width+'px'); } } }, value2html: function(value, element) { }, /** Attaches handler to submit form in case of 'showbuttons=false' mode @method autosubmit() **/ autosubmit: function() { this.$input.keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); } }); Slider.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { tpl: '<input type="text" /><span class="inline ui-slider-green"><span class="slider-display"></span></span>', inputclass: '', slider:{ min:1, max:100, step:1, range: "min" } }); $.fn.editabletypes.slider = Slider; }(window.jQuery)); /** ADate editable input. **/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var ADate = function (options) { this.init('adate', options, ADate.defaults); this.initDate(options, ADate.defaults); this.nativeUI = false; try { var tmp_inp = document.createElement('INPUT'); tmp_inp.type = 'date'; this.nativeUI = tmp_inp.type === 'date' && this.options.date.nativeUI === true } catch(e) {} }; //inherit from Abstract input $.fn.editableutils.inherit(ADate, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(ADate.prototype, { initDate: function(options, defaults) { this.options.date = $.extend({}, defaults.date, options.date); }, /** Renders input from tpl @method render() **/ render: function() { this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input.date'); }, /** Activates input: sets focus on the first field. @method activate() **/ activate: function() { if(this.$input.is(':visible')) { this.$input.focus(); } if(!this.nativeUI) { var inp = this.$input; this.$input.datepicker(this.options.date) var picker = inp.data('datepicker'); if(picker) { inp.on('click', function() { picker.show(); }) .siblings('.input-group-addon').on('click', function(){ picker.show(); }) } } else { this.$input.get(0).type = 'date'; } }, /** Attaches handler to submit form in case of 'showbuttons=false' mode @method autosubmit() **/ autosubmit: function() { this.$input.keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); } }); ADate.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { tpl:'<div class="input-group input-group-compact"><input type="text" class="input-medium date" /><span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span></div>', date: { weekStart: 0, startView: 0, minViewMode: 0 } }); $.fn.editabletypes.adate = ADate; }(window.jQuery));